Friday, 21 December 2012

Mid-term information

Midterm Exam Information:  Performance assessments to be chosen from the following sections.

Sr. Jazz:  

Superstition:  Any backgrounds 65-81, 92-104

Rhyme:  60-78, Trumpets 94-102

Huesos: Saxes and Trumpets: 38-42, Tbones 77-80, Altos and trumpets - 128, Horns - 135-126,  All 188-end.
Rhythm section:  Rhyme and Huesos

Intermediate Jazz:

Big John’s:  Beginning Trumpets, Bkgds 42-50, Saxes 74-90, Trumpets and bones 103, Saxes 116-119. 

Blackbird:  Saxes 30-31, 37-43, Brass and rhythm 50, Saxes 51, Saxes 83-86, Saxes 109, Bones 115-116, Saxes 124-126, Everyone - End
Rhythm section - Blackbird.

Jr. Jazz

South Beach:  Saxes 25-33,  All - 109, 115-118

May’s Way:  Saxes 10-14, 25-26, Brass 41-46, Saxes, 56-64, Brass 69-73, Saxes 74-77, 88-92.

Deep Fried: Brass 40-45, All 98-102
Rhythm Section:   Form Deep Fried.

9 Concert:  

NO Axon
Bonsai:  Percussion:  Whole thing.  Winds 5-37 and 42-48

Athens:  Flutes and Clarinets:  5-10, Flutes 10-18, Trumpets 9-13, 18, 23-34 All 38-44, All 52-End

10 Concert:

Joy Revisited:  Any of the 16th note runs

Poor Wayfaring Stranger:  Percussion - whole thing, Flutes and Oboe measure 2, All - any 5 tuplets or 6 tuplets, All 41-52.

11 Concert:

Cumberland:  Trumpets and Horns 28, Trumpets, clarinets, oboe and flute 40-45, All 45-57, Flute, oboe, clarinet and xylo - last 2 bars.

Lindsay: Piano, French horn, Trumpets, trombones and horns 27-35, Clarinets 56-57, All 68-95.  Percussion - whole thing.

Kirkpartick:  All 41-52, Trombones and trumpets  81-97, 174-175.

12 Concert:

Wind Jammer:  Trumpets - beginning,  Flute and Clarinets 16th notes at 29, Baritone, trumpets and Alto 1 - 30-35,  Any part with 16th notes 38-43, Flute, oboe, clarinet and alto1  87-103, Trumpets 103-115, Flutes and Clarinet1 - 126, 130, Flutes and Clarinets 134, 138.  All people playing the countermelody at 151.

Sun Dance:  

All - begining -5.  Clarinets 5- 16, Flutes, Oboe 26- 31, Clarinet 41-62, Flutes and oboe 47-51.  Trombones and horns 58-61, Clarinets 90-101, 125-129, 143-154.  Oboes 148-153, All 161-end.  

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Opening Doors

As we head into the holidays it is always great to think about the little random acts of kindness we can do for each other that often make a HUGE difference... like something so simple as opening a door for someone.

From my home to yours - have a very peaceful and relaxing holiday.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Europe DVD

Danny says, " Don't wait!  Get your DVD today and avoid the Christmas rush."

For those of you that were involved in our Europe tour this past July, we are pleased to give you your Christmas present starting tomorrow Friday December 14.  Stop by the band room and you can pick up your Europe double DVD.  Disc 1's full of information for you - copy to eh blog text, 1000's of photos and all of the blog videos [designed to go in your computer] and Disc 2 is an actual DVD for your viewing pleasure from our last performance in Auerbach.  Each student and chaperone that went will receive a copy.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Friday Humour

Well here we are and it is Friday again.....  let's laugh.  Sometimes it is the simple silly situations that make you snicker.... or ample alliteration...

Concert Band Mid-Terms

Band Mid Term schedule has been announced.

All bands will complete a playing assessment during the first week back from Christmas break.

Members of sports teams, arts students and intramural superstars - do not skim this schedule.... as this is an in class exam, you will not be permitted to miss class time unless you can prove that you have direct conflict with your exam (i.e. a game.... a practice or extra rehearsal is not a conflict).  If you do have a conflict, you are to notify me immediately so we can make alternate arrangements.

Concert Band Midterms:

January 8 - Grade 9 Concert Band - period 6
January 9 - Grade 10 - period 1, Grade 12 Concert Band - period 3, Grade 11 Concert Band - period 6

Jazz Band Midterms:

January 8 - Sr. Jazz - 7:30 a.m., Intermediate Jazz - 12:00
January 9 - Jr. Jazz - 12:00.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Concert is fast approaching

Just to keep you on your toes....  just a heads up that we only have 5 rehearsals before the concert when you get back from Christmas break.  Make sure yo take care of whatever help you need with your parts before the break.  Help is always available after school until 4:00.

Now is also a good time to once again review our uniform policy.  This is a re-printing of the post from October 26th.  Students have been all informed again to make sure they have met the uniform requirements.  I can answer any questions about the uniform and rehearsal policy, but please make sure you read the information below before you contact me.... thank you.

Here is the information we discussed about uniform - both in-class and on the blog:

Concerts and Uniform:

Concerts are a very formal event for everyone involved.  These events are the band equivalent of your mid-term and final exam and we treat them very seriously. As part of their assessment, all students must be present at the final rehearsal before a concert. If a student has an unexcused absence before a concert they will not be allowed to perform at the event in question and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.

We take great care to plan our concert dates in advance.  You will be told the Winter Concert and the Final Concert Dates during the first few weeks of class along with all other performance dates and times.  These dates will be posted on the band website for your convenience.  Attendance is mandatory at concerts.  In the extreme circumstance that a student cannot attend a concert, Mr. Edwards must be notified and an alternate test date may be arranged where the student will be asked to play all of their performance pieces in front of Mr. Edwards.

Concert uniform:

Men are to wear a dark suit or dark sports jacket and dark pants, tie, matching dark socks and dress shoes.

Ladies are to wear a dress [leaning towards the summer dress style and not the formal ball gown type], and matching dress shoes.  Please keep in mind that a “Dress” is a one-piece ensemble and not a skirt and a blouse.

Please be forewarned that we take our uniform VERY SERIOUSLY at Westwood, and any student that shows up to a concert without the above mentioned uniform will not be permitted to play until they are dressed appropriately.  In addition, if the student fails to change into the proper uniform, they will not be permitted to play and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Optimist Information

Mark Your Calendars

Each year we bring a raft of band to participate in our local festival - The Optimist International Band and Jazz Festival... this year we bring a total of 7 bands.

Optimist is a high-lite of our school year and the expectation is that everyone participates; consequently, we post the dates as soon as possible so everyone can clear their schedules.  If you see a conflict, please contact me immediately, as I may be able to find a solution if given enough notice.

Students are expected to be at the location 1 hour before their performance time.

Optimist Concert Band:

These performances are at the Winnipeg Convention Centre and students meet at the bottom of the escalators just inside the main door..

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - Gr. 10 Concert Band - 6:25 pm.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - Gr. 9 Concert Band - 3:10 p.m. [students will be bussed there and back - more information to follow]
Thursday, February 21, 2013 - Gr. 11 Concert Band - 8:05 p.m.
Friday, February 22, 2013 - Fr. 12 Concert Band - 6:10 p.m.

Optimist Jazz Band:

These Performances take place at the North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church 1315 Gateway

Thursday, February 28, 2013 - Junior Jazz - 4:20 p.m.  [students will be bussed there and back - more information to follow]
Saturday,  March 2, 2013 - Intermediate Jazz - 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 2, 2013 - Sr. Jazz - 3:20 p.m.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Congratulations to Gr. 12 Concert band for raising $458.00 towards "We Create Change" an initiative of; Free the Children.  

That's 18.32 bags of pennies!!!!!

The basic idea is that one bag of pennies or 2500 pennies will provide clean drinking water to 1 person for a year.  Learn more here - Free the Children

Check out their video - Really Cute!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

GRADE 12'S.......  The end of the penny wars is in sight.  We have a serious challenge in the form of Ms. Reimer's period three class.   We have to submit all of our $$$ by 3:30 on Thursday.  Let's make sure we clear out the change dishes and bring in some bills and see if we can ensure that there is no real contest.   That means you have to bring what you have in for tomorrow's class.
It is my great pleasure to welcome back Ms. Muncer to our program.  She brings some serious credentials and a warm and caring heart to all of our sectionals that will be happening during class time.

As we make the final push into the holiday season, it is important to remind you to keep on top of your sectionals.  You are required to complete 4 sectionals by mark cut-off in January.  You are allowed to count one of the sectionals with Ms. Muncer in the Sectional Book.  To everyone, I offer this advice.... do not procrastinate and do your best to finish your sectionals by the end of December; that way when you come back after break, you will not have to try to squish sectionals in while you prepare for exams.  Let's focus on quality.  By doing them properly and gaining knowledge, we all benifit.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Westwood student in the news

Looks like we are celebrating another Westwood band student in the news.  Long standing member of the 220 Red River Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, Mikayla, got  achance to hang out with General Walter Natynczyk. Natynczyk, a former chief of defence staff, got his start in 1970 with the Winnipeg squadron.

Check out the interview from CTV:

Friday, 23 November 2012

Happy Friday everyone....  looks like it is going to be cold one this weekend, so stay warm and don't lick anything outside that's metal.

I saw this earlier in the week and I could not get it out of my head..... here's a public service announcement that's gone viral from the Metro Train System out of Melbourne Australia.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The sectional book is back out for round two.  Please make sure you start thinking about your four sectionals for the next reporting period.  As well, a reminder that self-assessments are returned to your portfolios.  Have a look at my comments and please contact me if you need a translation.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Self-assessments have been returned to folders.  Please make sure you look at your comments immediately and do not hesitate to ask me for clarification or a translation.

Friday, 16 November 2012


Well here we are again on a Friday and I, yet again, set out to make Westwood just a little bit hipper.  So today I bring you the joys of incredibox.  This drag an drop application will turn you all into the latest and hippest Dj's on the planet.  Have fun making a mix that will keep the party grooving' all night long.
So let's see.......

Gr. 9, 10, 11 and 12 Concert Band are well into their music now and are beginning their second round of sectionals.  Recordings of al their pieces are on line and they can download them by clicking on the link at the bottom of this very blog.

Jazz bands are now doing deep into technique mastery on their music and we are at the point of per suing each of our selections in characteristic style through the exploration of original recordings.... some dating as far back as Jan 16th, 1938.

Reminder to everyone that Report Cards co me home on Monday.  Please see the post from Thursday November 8th for further information.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

I have read and commented on 3/4 of the self-assessments and my goal is to have them in your portfolios by Friday.  Many of the comments I have made cannot wait until you do your January self-assessment, so please check your self-assessment for my comments on Monday as I firmly believe that these comments will immediately steer us towards being a better band.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

New feature to help you locate "stuff" on the blog as it grows....  Try the search bar on the right hand side.

Friday, 9 November 2012

In honour of Remembrance Day, I will side step the usual Friday funny, to bring you a timeless sentiment about war and its effect on all of us.  I had the pleasure of seeing Roger Waters in concert in Toronto in 2010 and this moment of the show has stuck with me since.  I sincerely hope you can relate.

In behind Roger Waters a quote from Eisenhower plays out on the screen -

"Every gun thats made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed and from those who are cold and are not clothed."


Thursday, 8 November 2012

It is hard to believe that it is already report card time..... but alas it is true.  I have just finished imputing all of the final marks for the first report card and you can see them on line.

Before you contact me about any questions you might have, have a conversation with your son or daughter about their grade and ask them about it.  They should be able to specifically tell you why it is the way it is and what they need to do to fix it.  Before you have this conversation, you may want to take a look on Power School [our on-line grade book -] and see what assignment(s) are missing at this point.  If you do not know your Power School log in, please contact the school and they will let you know your login.  In addition, you may want to visit our web site - and sign up via email on the right hand side of the page to get the up-dates.  As you can see when you visit the page, every assignment we have done is listed on the blog and on our dates page.

Missing self-assessments can be submitted; however, late marks will be applied.  Sectionals cannot be submitted.  As always, performance based marks can be re-tested at any time until January mark cut off. 

I am available for help most days after school until 4:00.

If you have any questions, after completing the steps above, please feel free to contact me in at your earliest convenience.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

"Can you hear me now?"

Have you ever wanted to know what was going on at Westwood, but your son or daughter can't seem to remember to brush their teeth; let alone when hat day is or why we are having a can food drive?.... well look no further; introducing the easy way to get the daily announcements directly from the office - "Announcing Westwood."

Just open the link below and put your email in the "Follow by Email" box and follow the directions and you will get the announcements sent to that email address every day... get them on your: ipad, ipod, tablet, computer or phone anywhere in the world you can check email, just enter your email address and forget.... it's that easy.   

Just follow this link:

Friday, 2 November 2012

So it is Friday... and although I am away today, I  would not want to let you down without posting some great insight from the web. With the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney this week for 4.05 Billion,  it is no great surprise that Darth Vader wanted to check out his new digs.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

CONGRATULATIONS to the Gr. 9 Concert Band who played brilliantly for their 90's test today.  Owen picked page 7#7  out of the hat.  When the dust settled, the class average was 94.5%  Well done 9's!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra  - For everyone who signed up for FREE tickets to the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra at their fantastic performance here at the beginning of October, the tickets are here... come see Mr. Edwards ASAP to claim your ticket (s).  IF you did not sign up and wish to get a ticket, I am starting a list to distribute tickets that are not claimed.

The FREE ticket is good for the BIG Nightmare Concert on November 2nd at 8:00 p.m at the concert hall.   These tickets are valued at $38.25.

Gr. 9 concert band did round 2 of the 90's test as chosen by Brooke - Page 8#15.  Class average was 75.2% so the next playing test will be on Thursday.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Gr.9 Concert Band did indeed do their first 90's Test today.  Page 9 # 23 was chosen by Kyla.  Class average was 80.2%.  Next Test will take place on Tuesday.
Happy Friday..... I am going to dedicate this video to all of our aspiring tubists.... specially Nick.... and if you know Nick, you will know why.

Band News

Band News...

1.  All the Jazz ensembles have successfully gone through their playing tests this week and I was suitably impressed with all of their efforts.  All marks have been imported into Power School and all of their mark breakdowns have been placed into their portfolios in the band room.

2.  Speaking of marks, all parents of students with a mark of 60 or lower in either Jazz or Concert Band should have received an email from me.  If you ever have any questions about your son's or daughter's standing in Band or Jazz her are some simple steps to follow:

Before you contact me, have a conversation with your son or daughter about their grade and ask them about it.  They should be able to specifically tell you why it is the way it is and what they need to do to fix it.  Before you have this conversation, you may want to take a look on Power School [our on-line grade book -] and see what assignment(s) are missing at this point.  If you do not know your Power School log in, please contact the school and they will let you know your login.  In addition, you may want to visit our web site - and sign up via email on the right hand side of the page to get the up-dates.  As you can see when you visit the page, every assignment we have done is listed on the blog and on our dates page.

Missing assignments can be submitted without late marks for this first report and, as always, performance based marks can be re-tested at any time until mark cut off. 

I am available for help most days after school until 4:00.

If you have any questions, after completing the steps above, please feel free to contact me in at your earliest convenience.

3.  All ensembles both Jazz and Concert Band are approaching mark cut off on the 2nd of November.  By this time students must complete 4 sectionals and must submit their first self-asessment.

4.  Self assessments are to be completed following the guidelines laid out in the self-assessment documents located on the right hand side of  this blog.  In addition to the guidelines, you can also find a marking rubric.

5.  The 4 sectionals are to be completed on the students own time and must last a minimum of 30 minutes.  For this first set of sectionals, I have allowed concert band students to work with members other than their section, if they wish.  However, after these are completed, sectionals must be with members of their own section.  In addition, for any sectionals to count towards the students grade, they must be recorded in the the sectional book located at the front of the band room by my office.

6.  The Gr. 9 Concert Band is well on it's way to completing the 90's test.  We were hoping to go today; however, with both boys and girls V-Ball tourney's on, we will most likely not have quorum.  Consequently, we will have our first round on Tuesday.

6.  Recently, I have noticed that some of our students have been mistreating the equipment in the band room.  All classes have discussed the reality that we need to make sure that the instruments and the equipment that we have needs to be here in excellent condition for their children's children. We have all vowed to step up to the challenge and to be more vigilant.

7.  We have discussed the course outline and the marking scheme.  You can find all of this in the course outlines located to the right of this blog.  Besides the marking scheme, we discussed at length the uniform for band and concert requirements.  One of the big ones, is that students are not permitted to be absent the final rehearsal before a concert.   This includes doctor, orthodontic and dentist appointments.  Obviously exceptions can be made; however these conversations must take place ahead of time.  If a student misses the rehearsal before a concert, they will not be permitted to play.

The uniform is the same for Band and Jazz.

Here is the information we discussed about uniform:

Concerts and Uniform:

Concerts are a very formal event for everyone involved.  These events are the band equivalent of your mid-term and final exam and we treat them very seriously. As part of their assessment, all students must be present at the final rehearsal before a concert. If a student has an unexcused absence before a concert they will not be allowed to perform at the event in question and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.

We take great care to plan our concert dates in advance.  You will be told the Winter Concert and the Final Concert Dates during the first few weeks of class along with all other performance dates and times.  These dates will be posted on the band website for your convenience.  Attendance is mandatory at concerts.  In the extreme circumstance that a student cannot attend a concert, Mr. Edwards must be notified and an alternate test date may be arranged where the student will be asked to play all of their performance pieces in front of Mr. Edwards.

Concert uniform:

Men are to wear a dark suit or dark sports jacket and dark pants, tie, matching dark socks and dress shoes.

Ladies are to wear a dress [leaning towards the summer dress style and not the formal ball gown type], and matching dress shoes.  Please keep in mind that a “Dress” is a one-piece ensemble and not a skirt and a blouse.

Please be forewarned that we take our uniform VERY SERIOUSLY at Westwood, and any student that shows up to a concert without the above mentioned uniform will not be permitted to play until they are dressed appropriately.  In addition, if the student fails to change into the proper uniform, they will not be permitted to play and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Hope you all caught my error and watched Cam at 10:00 local and not 12:00.... ooops.  In case you missed it, here he is warming up at the festival.

And here he is playing at the festival in-front of a massive crowd and accepting a very big statue..... as this year's winner ...WAY TO GO CAM!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

As tomorrow we will all be at and inservice, I thought I would publish something for you today.

Here's a new approach to the double trumpet - double bone quartet....

Band News - Mark cut off is just around the corner.  let's make sure everyone's up to speed on the mark cut of date and any outstanding assignments..... that, of course, will include sectionals and self-assessmnets.

If any clarification is needed, please check the important dates page and the self-assesment guide on the right side of this blog.

Jazz bands will have their playing test on either Wednesday or Thursday depending on the day of the school calendar.  See the previous post regarding the specific testing sections.

Gr 9 Concert Band will start their run on the 90's test on Wednesday.
(Gotta love that hair)

So, the latest update on Cam is that he is in Montreal as we speak and enjoying the drum festival.  He will have to demonstrate his skills in front of a live audience on Saturday.

Here is the info if you are interested in watching him live on Sat. on the web - see below for details.

Welcome to the V-Drums World Championship
And the finalists are...
  • Congratulations to Eastern Regional Finalist - Steve Mitchell (Brampton, ON), Western Regional Finalist - Issah Contractor (Vancouver, BC), and Youth Division Grand Prize Winner - Cameron Cordoviz (Winnipeg, MB)!
  • Our expert panel of judges chose this year's finalists based on several criteria including originality, versatility (multiple music styles), technique, visual tricks, and overall performance.
  • All three of our finalists will perform on the Montreal Drum Fest stage on Saturday, October 20th, alongside this year's special guest performer Tony Royster Jr.!
  • Thank you to all who auditioned for the Roland V-Drums Contest and please check back soon for the announcement of the National Grand Champion who will go on to represent Canada at the International Finals being held in Frankfurt, Germany in March 2013!

  • Can't make it in person? Visit on October 20th (Saturday) at 11:00am EST ( that would be noon here) to watch the Roland V-Drums Contest National Finals live!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Proof that great minds think alike......

Dagger, Mystery, Zappy and Gammy

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

A Self-Assessment information link has been added on the right hand side of the blog.

Also, to clarify - the Jazz testing will begin towards the end of next week.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Congratulations to the Gr.10 Concert band.  Jesiee M chose page 7 #3 today and the class was triumphant scoring 91%.  Well done 10's.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Thanks for Nick Pollett for bringing in some Jon Gomm.

I have decided to share his composition Passionflower with you.

So band news for this week:

Gr 11 and 12 Concert Band are on their way with new music. Recordings can be found at the link at the bottom left of this site.

Gr 9 Concert Band - is finished their auditions and move on to the 90's test next week.

Gr. 10 Concert Band is on to round 3 of the 90's test on Monday - where we know they will be victorious. Jazz Bands are all getting ready for their playing tests in a couple of weeks.

Sr. Jazz - Huesos (mm 9 - 51) and Sing Sing Sing (mm 9 - 70).

InterJazz -Big John's Special - Brass (57-73) Saxes (73 - 90) Longest Hour: Rhythm section - Both the "A" section and "B" section grooves. BlackBird - Drums 4 bars funk 4 bars samba. Nate - (mm 33-52)

Jr. Jazz - South Beach: (mm 103 - 117) Drums: play exact drum part at mm9 for 8 measures.
Westwood drummer extraordinare, Cameron Cordoviz, winner of the Canadian Rolland V-Drums Competition, will be interviewed on CJOB today some time between 4:15 and 5:00. Check it out!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Gr 10, 11,and 12 Concert Bands: Results from the first round of 90's tests have been placed in your portfolios. All Bands: Please be reminded that you are welcome to re-test your mark on your own time. Your mark will never go backwards and help is always available from 3:30 - 4:00 - 5 days a week.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

On October 3rd, we were blessed with a wonderful performance by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.  Thanks to Mr. Cichosz for the amazing photos:

Round one of the 90's test is complete and the 12's have come out victorious by the skin of their teeth.

Here's how the numbers sat after day one:

Gr 10 Concert Band -Test piece:  Page 9 #23, as chosen out of a hat by Allison G = 88.33%
Gr 12 Concert Band - Test piece: Page 10 #31, as chosen out of the sorting hat by Nick P = 89.82% [which I graciously rounded up to 90%]
Gr 11 Concert Band - Test piece - Page 10 #27, as chosen out of a hat by Devon L = 85.33%

That means that the 12's will move on into new music and course outlines and the 10's and 11's will go on into round 2 of the 90's test.

Friday, 5 October 2012

So, it is Friday..... so I am left to post a little something for your viewing pleasure that is a little out of the ordinary.

As we all make our way through the Thanksgiving weekend it is a time to give thanks and a time to get together with family and friends.

When I think of dessert, I love good bowl of ice cream.  Here's a guy who puts a very unique spin on getting ice cream for his friends.  It is okay if your Mandarin is a little rusty... it is not needed to comprehend the brilliance of this video.

For me the jaw dropping moment is when I realized that as he produced each item it also disappeared off the menu.

Let see....

 - We had the WSO here on Wednesday along with some of our friends from Lincoln Middle School and Sansome Elementary.  More on this wonderful event to follow when we have some photos for you.

- Grade 10, 11, and 12 Concert  Band will begin their 90's test on Tuesday.  This particular playing test is a team activity where the class average on the number chosen at random from our exercise book (I Recommend), by the first student to walk into the class, must be 90% or higher.  Each section will be asked to play the example chosen and this mark will be recorded in the grade-book.  As always, students are able to re-test this exam if they are unhappy with their mark.  And, as with all re-tests, their individual mark cannot go backwards from a re-test, as I will always record the highest mark.  For this exam the requirements are:  Gr. 10 - pages 7 - 10, Gr.11 and 12 - pages 7 - 12.

- Gr. 9 Concert Band is doing well as they make their way through the audition process.  Still to go are the: Bass Clarinet, Baritone, Tubas, String Bass and Malletts.  As well, the 9's are also preparing for the 90's test as described above.  The 9's are responsible for pages 7 - 9.

- Grades should be on line some time next week.

In Jazz news, all of the bands are working though their repertoire.  Please look to the website - to find the mp3's of all the music we are working on.

 - All groups should be well in to their sectionals.  Each student is required to do 4 sectionals per reporting period.  Sectionals are organized by the members of each section and meet for a minimum of 30 minutes outside of class time.  Each student is responsible for recording their own name in the sectional book.  Cut off dates for sectionals are defined on the dates page located to the right of this column.

Next up for all ensembles will be a review of the course outline and the self-assessment policy.

Monday, 1 October 2012

I have added the important dates link for 2012-13 on the right hand side.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Don't worry, even though I am sick, I have not forgotten you.

Here is a bit of humour that is right up my alley....  Happy Friday!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

As a follow up to last week's post about Cam Cordoviz, we are pleased to announce that Westwood student, Cam Cordoviz has been awarded the winning spot in the Canadian National Roland virtual drum competition.  Out of 100's of entrants all across Canada, Cam was chosen as the overall winner.  As the winner, Cam will receive a Roland drum set valued at $3000 and a free trip to be a part of the Montreal Drum festival in the middle of October where he will meet several of his drumming idols.  We will follow this post with more information as it becomes available.

Today we were thrilled to have Winnipeg Symphony orchestra horn player Michiko Singh here in the band room holding a master class with all of our French Horn players.  Ms. Singh shared her love of the horn and her enthusiasm with our young musicians for over an hour.  She began with a brilliant performance of a horn concerto and by the end she was reading duets with the students.  We are truly grateful for the community outreach program at the WSO and really glad she could join us.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Okay in the band world things are moving along very smoothly.

We are very excited to welcome the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra to Westwood on the 3rd at 2:00.  There will be some room for the public if your parents are interested.

All French horn players are to meet in the band room during period 2 tomorrow - thursday the 27th for a free masterclass with Michico a French Horn player from the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra,

Gr.9 Concert - we look to wrap up the auditions sometime next week and then we will move on to the 90's test where they will be responsible for all exercises on pages 7-9 [except the triplets].  All audition marks will be posted in the student's portfolio in the band room once we are done.

Gr 10 Concert - We have completed the audition process and the audition marks are located in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-10.

Gr 11 Concert - We should wrap up the audition process next class.  Still to go - Bastounis, Palka, Trites, Corrie, Bisignano, Bauer, Cordoviz, Klyne and Gaminek.  When we have completed the audition process and the audition marks will be placed in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-12.

Gr. 12 Concert - We have completed the audition process and the audition marks are located in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-12.

Jazz Bands - All jazz bands have finished their auditions and part placement has been assigned.  New music has been placed in their folder slots and they have been encouraged to download the MP3'S at the listening site.... the link to which is located at the bottom of this blog.

As well, the SECTIONAL BOOK is now available for your use.

Friday, 21 September 2012

SO .... we have been bugging Cam Cordoviz about his awesome rise to fame - [ if you have no idea what I am talking about, see the previous post and make sure you watch it as today's post depends upon you knowing a bit about Cam.]

Any way..... as a teacher I often wonder what will happen to my students after graduation.  When I saw today's video I just about spit out my milk.  If there was ever any doubt, I now know what Cam will be up to when he is 80.


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Go Cam!  We are all cheering for you!  Click on the link below to find out more about the contest.

Or.... click below to watch Cam in action.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Gr.9's - My job/ Your job is marked and in your portfolios
After going through the audition process today, I would like to offer some advice.  Re-read the post from september 10th.... specifically what is says about how to do your chromatic scale.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Jr. Jazz - Great sight-reading today - Here is the link to Groovemaker.

Happy Friday - great 1st week everyone.  Here's a little something for your contemplation as people try to make the sounds they hear in their heads.  Enjoy..... Auditions begin next week.

Bleep Blap Bloop from Paul Constantakis on Vimeo.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

9 CB - don't worry about the audition right away... let's do some more playing on Monday and see where it leads us.  If you were one of the people who did not get a book, please see me tomorrow and I will photocopy the audition piece for you so you have something to look at in preparation for the audition.
Sr. Jazz - Here is a version of Rhyme.  Some interesting ideas here.

Gr.9's your "Needs" pie chart is marked and in your portfolio.

Remember  NO NAME =  NO MARK.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Alright... as we head into the audition process, I am hearing some really great sounds on your instruments.  My best advice to everyone is to go slow and be accurate.  As well, I would like to take this opportunity to address sectionals.  If they are not taken seriously when we give up valuable class time, we will no longer be pursuing this option.   Class time sectionals are a privilege.   Just a friendly reminder that using this time to chat or to text is not appropriate.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

9 Concert Band - Great class today!  Just a reminder to sign up with your email on the left hand side of the blog and read the posts below.  As well, "My Job/ Your Job" is due next class.  I eagerly look forward to reading them.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Your Band  TO DO list:

1)  Auditions begin on Friday the 14th for Gr 10, 11, 12 and Jr. Jazz and Monday the 17th for Gr. 9 and intermediate Jazz.

   a)  Red Book Audition Numbers:

   Gr. 9 - Page 7 #3
   Gr. 10 - Page 9 #19
   Gr. 11 - Page 11 #35
   Gr. 12 - Page 12 # 43

   b)  Chromatic Scale - This is 2 octaves starting on any note.  You will say the note name and then    play the note you named.... remember up in "Sharps" and down in "Flats."   Gr. 9's may use a fingering chart.  Gr. 10- 12 - no.

Note:  the audition number out of the Red Book is worth 50 marks and the Chromatic scale is worth 100 marks.  The Red Book numbers can be re-tested to improve your grade as many times as you wish until the end of first semester.  You are awarded 100 marks on the completion of the chromatic scale.  If you do not complete this task by the first reporting period (Nov. 9th), you will receive a mark of "0" until you complete the task.

2)   Sr. Jazz begins on Thursday the 13th at 7:30 a.m.  Intermediate and Jr. Jazz will begin auditions this week and students will be placed in an ensemble according to ability.

3)  Sectionals:  you must complete 4 sectionals by the end of the first reporting period (Nov. 9th).  For this first set, these should be completed during class time while I am processing the auditions in his office.  You may sectional with unlike instruments; however, the is a far greater benefit from having sectionals with like instruments.

4)  Everything will be on this blog.  I will assume for the remainder of the year that if I have posted information here on this blog, that you have read it and will come to me if you have any questions.  To keep everyone in the loop, you can sign up with your email address on the right-had side of this post and my blog will email you when I post something new.

5)  All information will be posted on the blog and conversational items will be posted on Edmodo.  Please make sure you can still access your account.  If you cannot please see me immediately and we can rectify the situation together.

6)  If you need an instrument, we will be taking care of that during class this week.  Rental fees are $120 for the year.  Fees can only be paid by cheque and cheques are to be made payable to "Westwood Collegiate."

7)  When it comes to instrument and the like, I can usually find something to solve my problems at the Conn-Selmer website.  Here you, in the teacher's section, you will find just about everything to solve your problems.  From fingering charts to interesting suggestion on technique, it is all here.  Here is a quick link for you - Conn-Selmer

Friday, 7 September 2012

Don't worry, they didn't leave me in Europe..... they tried, but I am too sneaky for 'em.

Welcome back everyone.  I sincerely hope you had a great summer and if you are new to Westwood, then welcome to your second home.

This blog will serve as the nerve center, along with Edmodo, for keeping up with the band program.  Here I will regularly update everyone with the "goings on" and what not of the program.  From concert dates to exam info, it will all be here..... eventually.

On that note, give me a week or so to get everything all updated and current, as we make some adjustment to our classes and expectations.

In the meantime, you can click on the google docs on the right hand side (under the title Program Information) and easily learn a little more about us.  Just be aware, that this information is last year's.

As always, if you have any thoughts you'd like to share with me, you can reach me at:

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Thursday, 28 June 2012

New Band Website

We are under construction to bring you and new an improved band website.

Check out the links on the left.

As well, click on the link below to take you to our Eurotour 2012 site.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...