Now is also a good time to once again review our uniform policy. This is a re-printing of the post from October 26th. Students have been all informed again to make sure they have met the uniform requirements. I can answer any questions about the uniform and rehearsal policy, but please make sure you read the information below before you contact me.... thank you.
Here is the information we discussed about uniform - both in-class and on the blog:
Concerts and Uniform:
Concerts are a very formal event for everyone involved. These events are the band equivalent of your mid-term and final exam and we treat them very seriously. As part of their assessment, all students must be present at the final rehearsal before a concert. If a student has an unexcused absence before a concert they will not be allowed to perform at the event in question and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.
We take great care to plan our concert dates in advance. You will be told the Winter Concert and the Final Concert Dates during the first few weeks of class along with all other performance dates and times. These dates will be posted on the band website for your convenience. Attendance is mandatory at concerts. In the extreme circumstance that a student cannot attend a concert, Mr. Edwards must be notified and an alternate test date may be arranged where the student will be asked to play all of their performance pieces in front of Mr. Edwards.
Concert uniform:
Men are to wear a dark suit or dark sports jacket and dark pants, tie, matching dark socks and dress shoes.
Ladies are to wear a dress [leaning towards the summer dress style and not the formal ball gown type], and matching dress shoes. Please keep in mind that a “Dress” is a one-piece ensemble and not a skirt and a blouse.
Please be forewarned that we take our uniform VERY SERIOUSLY at Westwood, and any student that shows up to a concert without the above mentioned uniform will not be permitted to play until they are dressed appropriately. In addition, if the student fails to change into the proper uniform, they will not be permitted to play and forfeit any evaluative mark associated with the performance.