It is hard to believe that it is already report card time..... but alas it is true. I have just finished imputing all of the final marks for the first report card and you can see them on line.
Before you contact me about any questions you might have, have a conversation with your son or daughter about their grade and ask them about it. They should be able to specifically tell you why it is the way it is and what they need to do to fix it. Before you have this conversation, you may want to take a look on Power School [our on-line grade book -] and see what assignment(s) are missing at this point. If you do not know your Power School log in, please contact the school and they will let you know your login. In addition, you may want to visit our web site - and sign up via email on the right hand side of the page to get the up-dates. As you can see when you visit the page, every assignment we have done is listed on the blog and on our dates page.
Missing self-assessments can be submitted; however, late marks will be applied. Sectionals cannot be submitted. As always, performance based marks can be re-tested at any time until January mark cut off.
I am available for help most days after school until 4:00.
If you have any questions, after completing the steps above, please feel free to contact me in at your earliest convenience.