
IMPORTANT DATES:  (Mark your calendar)

October 4th - Achieve black belt on Ningenius level on the Ningenius APP for fingerings and note names - available online for $2.99 in the App Store or on the iPads in the Band Room. 50 marks each.

October 18th - Upload a video of yourself playing a 2 octave chromatic scale.  10 - 12 - from memory.  9's can use their fingering chart.  email Mr. Edwards the youTube link. 50 marks.


Nov. 8 - Written Reflection #1

Nov. 14 - Sectional Cut Off

Jan. 24th - Written Reflection #2

Jan. 30th  - Sectional Cutt Off #2

Feb. 5th -  Winter Band Concert – 6:30PM in the gym.  All three concert bands and all three jazz bands will perform this night.


Feb. 18-21 – Manitoba Band Association Family Festival at the convention centre - specific dates and times will be discussed as we get closer to competition time.  All three concert bands.


Feb 27th,  28th and March 1– Manitoba Band Association Jazz Festival at the Franco Manitoban Cultural Centre- specific dates and times will be discussed as we get closer to competition time.All three Jazz Bands.


March 12 – 14 –Jazz Band tour to compete at the Brandon Jazz Festival – all three Jazz Bands


March 28th - Written Reflection #3

April 10th - Sectional Cut Off #3

April 14 – For the Love of the Arts - this art celebration will feature something from all of the arts departments at Westwood including one concert band and one jazz band. Which group wins this prestigious honour will be determined later on in the year.


April 15 – Westwood Family of Schools Concert that will involve music making from students in our family of schools from kindergarten all the way to grade 12.  Stay posted for more information on this exciting night.


May 26th - Sectional Cut off #4


May 27 – Final Band Concert 6:30PM in the gym - all three Concert Bands


May 28 – Final Jazz Band Concert at 6:30PM in the gym. All three Jazz bands

June 6th - Written Refection #4

June 20 - 22 - Mr. Edwards's Alumni Concert and Fundraiser for Cancer Care Manitoba.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...