Friday, 5 October 2012

Let see....

 - We had the WSO here on Wednesday along with some of our friends from Lincoln Middle School and Sansome Elementary.  More on this wonderful event to follow when we have some photos for you.

- Grade 10, 11, and 12 Concert  Band will begin their 90's test on Tuesday.  This particular playing test is a team activity where the class average on the number chosen at random from our exercise book (I Recommend), by the first student to walk into the class, must be 90% or higher.  Each section will be asked to play the example chosen and this mark will be recorded in the grade-book.  As always, students are able to re-test this exam if they are unhappy with their mark.  And, as with all re-tests, their individual mark cannot go backwards from a re-test, as I will always record the highest mark.  For this exam the requirements are:  Gr. 10 - pages 7 - 10, Gr.11 and 12 - pages 7 - 12.

- Gr. 9 Concert Band is doing well as they make their way through the audition process.  Still to go are the: Bass Clarinet, Baritone, Tubas, String Bass and Malletts.  As well, the 9's are also preparing for the 90's test as described above.  The 9's are responsible for pages 7 - 9.

- Grades should be on line some time next week.

In Jazz news, all of the bands are working though their repertoire.  Please look to the website - to find the mp3's of all the music we are working on.

 - All groups should be well in to their sectionals.  Each student is required to do 4 sectionals per reporting period.  Sectionals are organized by the members of each section and meet for a minimum of 30 minutes outside of class time.  Each student is responsible for recording their own name in the sectional book.  Cut off dates for sectionals are defined on the dates page located to the right of this column.

Next up for all ensembles will be a review of the course outline and the self-assessment policy.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...