Don't worry, they didn't leave me in Europe..... they tried, but I am too sneaky for 'em.
Welcome back everyone. I sincerely hope you had a great summer and if you are new to Westwood, then welcome to your second home.
This blog will serve as the nerve center, along with Edmodo, for keeping up with the band program. Here I will regularly update everyone with the "goings on" and what not of the program. From concert dates to exam info, it will all be here..... eventually.
On that note, give me a week or so to get everything all updated and current, as we make some adjustment to our classes and expectations.
In the meantime, you can click on the google docs on the right hand side (under the title Program Information) and easily learn a little more about us. Just be aware, that this information is last year's.
As always, if you have any thoughts you'd like to share with me, you can reach me at: