Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Some little known facts

This morning we had an amazing pep rally.  I thought I would post the bio that was read by Michael and Connor during the rally.

"Here’s some little known facts about our Music programs here at Westwood.  

Did you know that our Musical Theater program has been awarded the highest honor there is in our province for the last two years?  Musical Theater has won the Rainbow Stage Award for their production of Les Miserables and last year for their production of Phantom of the Opera.  

Did you know that our choral program has also won every major award there is to win for at Choral-fest?  In the past three years they have been recipients of the:  J.S. Little ('10/'13), The Earl Grey ('10),  The Salisbury House ('11/'12) and the Beth Douglas ('12/'13).

Last, did you know, our  bands have been recognized at the Optimist international Band festival as some of the best in our province and as a result, our bands have been invited to compete at the Nationals every year for the past 14 years.  Our bands have won every major award there is to win at festivals they attend. ... and in fact they are no longer permitted to win some of them so that other bands have a chance.  

As well, our very own Cam Cordoviz, drummer with Sr. Jazz, won top honours in the country last year winning the Rolland National V-Drum competition at the Montreal drum-fest.

If you have a moment, stop and take a look at the trophy case and read some of the accolades the music program has received! 

And today, representing these fantastic accomplishments of our music program is the band behind me.... put your hands together and make some noise for the Sr. Jazz!!!"

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...