1) Congratulations to the Gr. 9 Concert Band who passed their 90's test yesterday with 91.16. Way to go 9's. We are all really proud of you.
1b) 9's , the .mp3's of your two new tunes are available in the band listening site. Click on the link at the very bottom of the band website - you may have to scroll quite a bit. Check out Earthdance and Song and Dance.
2) Welcome to the newest member of our program - Mr. Suban, who will be joining us as a teacher candidate until Christmas break. He brains a wealth of knowledge to the classroom and I know he will be an excellent addition to our program.
3) Congratulations to the Sr. Jazz for their performance at yesterday's pep rally. The band's plaint was very well received and many compliments were bandied about. Specifically, Mr. Miller sent a shout out to the band and said, "The band was awesome! Great job." and Mrs. Teichroew sent a shout out commenting on the whole event and said, "Excellent Pep Rally today! Best one so far! Congrats and thanks to all who worked to bring it together." Sr. Jazz was happy to represent the music department at this fun event.
4) We are just putting together the final numbers for the Brandon Jazz festival. If you are participating and you have not paid your deposit, please contact Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell ASAP so you can be counted in our numbers. We would like all of the corresponding forms to be handed in, as well.
4b) For those of you over 18, there is an 18 and over form from the division that was not included in the original package at the meeting. Here it is - Brandon over 18 Consent form.
5) A young lady recently came to me and mentioned that her clarinet was not working properly and asked if I would take a look at it. Well after one quick look, I knew why this was not going well. Folks, reeds are the "car tires" of your instrument. In other words, you could have a beautiful Porsche in mint condition, but try driving it around with flat tires.... not going to happen.
If your read even has the slightest chip in it, it is no good.
All of our reed players should be playing on Mitchell Lurie or Van Doren reeds. These reeds are available from Mr. Edwards for $2.