(how's that for alliteration). We had two amazing nights of music celebration. First on April 8 all of the Arts community at Westwood came to Peter to perform at our anual Arts fundraiser call For the Love of the Arts or FLOTA. Here Dancers, singers, visual artists and all kinds of performers entertained the packed house with fantastic moment after moment.
The next evening, we saw the invasion of the the little people as Sansome, Robert Browning and the choirs from Lincoln came together to celebrate the wonderful music making that takes place in the Westwood Family of Schools.
All of the bands performed outstandingly and there were even calls for an encore. Hope the pictures capture some of the fun as both nights ended with the audience clapping along to Sr. Jazz as all of the performers danced to their rendition of Stevie Wonder's - Superstition.
(Apologies for not have any concert band pics, but could not conduct and hold the camera. (;