Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Final Concert and Year End Information

With concerts and year end just around the corner, here's some information for you.  

Set up will take place on Monday, May 29 at 7:30 PM. 

Concert band dress rehearsal will be on Tuesday, May 30: 
symphonic band per 1, 
Grade 10 concert band per 2 
and grade 9 concert band per 3.  

Final Concert Band Concert May 30th in the Gym at 7:00PM

Jazz band dress rehearsal be on May 31st. 

Senior jazz 7AM, 
intermediate jazz per2 
and Junior jazz at lunch.

Final Jazz Band Concert May 31st in the Theatre at 7:00PM

Sectional cut off has been adjusted to May 29th for both Jazz and Concert.

Final Self-Assessment is due June 5

All music must be erased and returned no later than Friday June 7.

All instruments must be returned by June 7th as well with the exception of Grad Band members.


Each year Mr. Edwards hand selects a group of musicians to play at the convocation ceremony. Students will be contacted by Mr. Edwards by June 2nd.

Sr. Jazz Auditions:

Sr. Jazz audition music was distributed on May first to anyone interested in trying out for Sr. Jazz.  Auditions will take place starting the week of June 5th.  A sign up sheet will be posted with available slots.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...