Monday 26 September 2016


Jazz Band:

Our Auditions for Intermediate and Junior Jazz have been going on for the past two weeks and the results should be posted by Friday.

REMEMBER:  regardless of the ensemble you end up in, you will be getting and age appropriate credit.  Thus if you are in Intermediate Jazz and you are in Gr.9, you will get a Gr. 9 credit.  Vice versa, if you are in Gr 12 and you are in Jr. Jazz, you will get a Grade 12 credit.

Concert Band:

Auditions are about to begin.  Grade 10 Concert Band and Symphonic will begin on Thursday the 28th and Gr. 9 Concert Band will begin on Tuesday the 4th.

To aid in the process, please click on the links below for your audition date and order.

Symphonic Band

Grade 10 Concert Band

Grade 9 Concert Band

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...