Monday 25 January 2016

Live Concert Webacast

Enjoy our upcoming concert this Wedneday the 27th of Jan live by simply coming back and visiting our blog on Wednesday, January 27 and watch the show in the embedded video window below.  

Want to share the link to the show with others? Send them this link to the live feed:

We'll be on the air at 6:55pm

"Want to enjoy the show in full screen? In the bottom right corner of the video window, click on the FULL SCREEN button.  

Click here to view full screen.


Friday 22 January 2016

Brandon Jazz Up-date

Please check the Brandon Jazz 2016 page above for a Brandon Jazz Up-date.  Room sign-up list has been posted in the choral room.

Thursday 14 January 2016

A Little Note about Band Concerts @ Westwood

Every year at this time we are all really excited in the band world as we get ready to share our music making with you.

Here is some information to help you with your concert experience @ Westwood.

1.  Band concert features all of our Bands (3 Concert Bands and 3 Jazz Bands) on Jan 27th at 7:00PM in the gym. 

2.  If you are keen.... good on ya! The doors open at 3:30ish.  No waiting in line or the like. 

3.  Set-up takes place at 9:30PM on the 26th.  All (parents and students) are welcome.  On average set-up takes 20 minutes..... yep... that's right  20 minutes.

4.  We take our team uniform VERY seriously and will send students home to change if they do not adhere or respect our traditions.  For more information, the uniform policy is discussed at length in our course outline and in our Band Basics section found above in "Program Info" not to mention the start of the year in each class.  

5. Concert starts at 7:03 PM.  All students must be here no later than 6:00PM for warm-up.

6.  After watching the sea of devices at concerts these days, I decided that we, as a society,  are missing some of the best moments of our lives looking at a tiny little screen when live action in 3D is happening right infront of us. at Westwood, we hire a professional photographer and videographer to "shoot" our concert for your convenience.  They will get better shots than you could ever do with your device.  Every song and event is recorded throughout the year and then at the Final Concert Band Concert we use this footage to create our one fundraising event of the year - the band DVD.  These DVD' s are available for $20 and come professionally mastered in a slim "sticker" case to put in the back of your yearbook.

7.  All students are expected to stay for the entire length of the concert.

8.  Concert is traditionally about 2hrs. - the length of a movie, but way more exciting.

9.  Cannot be there?  Work trip get in the way?  Wish Gramma and Grandpa could come?  No problem.  Three years ago we started Webcasting our concerts.  Now from India to Japan (true story) you can watch the evening unfold where ever you are. Thus, loved-ones from around the world can watch and listen to our concerts.  Please feel free to share this information with everyone from out of town who may want to tune in.

We apologize in advance for the ads.  We are considering upgrading to the pro version and that will get rid of them, but it is very expensive.  This year, we have upgraded our "Feed" with our fundraising money to incorporate multiple camera angles and better production.

To watch the live stream of the concert, simply visit our blog on Wednesday, January 27 and watch the show in the embedded video window.  Want to share the link to the show with others? Send them this link to the live feed:

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Dress Rehearsal Schedule - Jan 27th

A few people have been asking about the schedule for the dress rehearsal on the 27th.  It is a day 6.

Dress rehearsal take place in the Gym.

7:30 AM - Sr. Jazz (regular class time)

Period 2 - 10 Concert Band (regular class time)

Period 3 - 9 Concert Band  - not regular time -
9's - your teachers and the office have been notified.  You do not go to period 3 class for attendance; you go straight to the gym for rehearsal.  If there is time, you will be sent back to your regular period 3 class.

Period 4 (Lunch) Jr. Jazz (regular class time)

Period 5 - Intermediate Jazz  - your teachers and the office have been notified.  You do not go to period 3 class for attendance; you go straight to the gym for rehearsal.  If there is time, you will be sent back to your regular period 3 class.  That said I understand that this might conflict with the english exam, so we might look at moving it to Period 1.

Period 6 - Symphonic Band - (regular class time)

If you notice any conflicts with exams, please notify Mr. Edwards immediately so we can work something out.

REMIINDER: if you miss the dress rehearsal without permission you will not be permitted to play the concert.

Monday 11 January 2016

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...