Tuesday 12 January 2016

Dress Rehearsal Schedule - Jan 27th

A few people have been asking about the schedule for the dress rehearsal on the 27th.  It is a day 6.

Dress rehearsal take place in the Gym.

7:30 AM - Sr. Jazz (regular class time)

Period 2 - 10 Concert Band (regular class time)

Period 3 - 9 Concert Band  - not regular time -
9's - your teachers and the office have been notified.  You do not go to period 3 class for attendance; you go straight to the gym for rehearsal.  If there is time, you will be sent back to your regular period 3 class.

Period 4 (Lunch) Jr. Jazz (regular class time)

Period 5 - Intermediate Jazz  - your teachers and the office have been notified.  You do not go to period 3 class for attendance; you go straight to the gym for rehearsal.  If there is time, you will be sent back to your regular period 3 class.  That said I understand that this might conflict with the english exam, so we might look at moving it to Period 1.

Period 6 - Symphonic Band - (regular class time)

If you notice any conflicts with exams, please notify Mr. Edwards immediately so we can work something out.

REMIINDER: if you miss the dress rehearsal without permission you will not be permitted to play the concert.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...