Westwood Collegiate
Technology Update
September 11, 2014
Just a quick note home to let all parents know about all the great ways you can keep up-to-date on the exciting things going on in the band world.
Now, more than ever, you can virtually be involved with all we do and here’s 5 easy ways how you can “play-along” with us.
1. Get a twitter account and follow @bandatwestwood.
2. Get and Instagram account and follow @bandatwestwood
3. Get a Vine account and follow @bandatwestwood.
4. Log on to www.bandatwestwood.com and sign up on the right hand side to “Follow by email.” Simply type in your address and follow the prompts.
5. On the band website (listed in #4) click on the the “IMPORTANT DATES” link and follow the instructions to add our Google Calendar to your device and you will automatically be updated on all the band dates.
Any questions? ask your children for help…. they truly are the leaders in technology.
And, if all else fails…….. you could always do things the old fashioned way and email me…… gedwards@sjsd.net.
As most of you are aware by now, all of the school’s grades have been moved to an online site called: POWER SCHOOL. The PowerSchool Portal provides parents access to real-time attendance information and, most importantly, student grades.
Use this link to login to the Power School Parent Portal.
The format and formulae for band grades can be found on the band website. Just follow the link for “Program Information” and click on either Concert Band or Jazz Band beside Course Outlines.
As set by our school division, the rental fee of any instrument is $120.00 per year and can be made in two payments of $60. As well, all percussionists pay a $60 fee for the year to cover new mallets and equipment.
If you are switching instruments at the request of the director, Mr. Edwards will wave the rental fee for one year.
As the school year is a very busy time with a lot of families writing cheques for school and sports and extracurriculars, Mr. Edwards does not begin the payment process until October to give families a bit of a gap to recover from September.
In addition, Westwood Collegiate has moved to an on line payment program to facilitate the ease of payment for all families. This would include things like: all fees to Westwood, School Trips and Band Rentals. Payment can be made by going to:
If you need any assistance setting up your account, you can find instructions here -
Daily School Announcements: Westwood Collegiate News Online
At Westwood Collegiate, we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter. We are hoping to reduce paper use in another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability. Also, by offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.
You can check out our daily announcements at : http://westwoodcollegiate.blogspot.ca
As with the band website, you can sign up on the right hand side to “Follow by Email.” Simply type in your address and follow the prompts to receive the daily announcements in your “in-box.”