Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Optimist Dates and Times

One of the extremely exciting performance opportunities we have at Westwood is to compete in the largest school band festival in Canada held right here in Winnipeg, at our very own Convention Centre, called the Winnipeg Optimist International Band Festival.

Each year, all of our ensembles participate in this dynamic event.

This year's dates and times:

Tuesday February 24th
Grade 10 Concert Band @8:00PM in room #2

Wednesday February 25th
Grade 9 Concert Band @2:50PM in room #2

Friday February, 27th
Symphonic Band @ 6:20PM in room #2

Saturday, March 7th

Optimist Notes:

  • Grade 9 Concert Band will be taking a bus to the convention centre.  They will be leaving at 1:00 and returning at 4:30PM
  • Grade 10, Symphonic Band and Sr. Jazz members are responsible for their own transportation to an from the festival.  It is the hope that all members of the band bring parents and friends to form our audience, as we all know the bands will play better when there is an audience.
  • As this is a huge team event, the expectation is that all members attend.  Mr. Edwards must be notified of any conflicts as soon as possible.
  • The above times are our performance times.  Students are to be in the lobby of the convention centre at the bottom of the main escalators no later that 1 hour before their performance time to prepare for warm-up.
  • Symphonic Band has again volunteered to help with the tearing down of the festival.  Students (and parents) will help with the stacking of chairs and placing percussion section items back in  boxes.  Please bring a change of clothes.  Students will be done no later than 9:30PM.  This time can count towards volunteer hours.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Free Guitar Picks

Yesterday I managed to find the coolest Christmas present to the band program.  I found a guitar pick maker designed by the people at www.pick

How our reclamation program works.

You know how you always end up with hotel room keys and empty Tim's cards and just end up throwing them away..... well trash them no more.  Instead, think about sending them to Westwood with your son or daughter and we will reclaim them by turning them into guitar picks, which will be made available for FREE to anyone in the school.... sort of a permanent present to our student population.

From there who knows what we will accomplish? .... heck, this might even motivate a new renaissance of recycling and guitar music.

Merry Quizzmas

Merry Quizzmas marking Rubric is now available.

Follow this link:  Merry Quizzmas

Playing tests beginning during class time Monday the 15th.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Last Two Weeks of School Before Break

It a sprint to the finish as we prepare for the end of the year…. seems funny to write that, but in all actuality, we only have 2 weeks left or 5 classes.

Here's the plan:

1.  We wish Ms. Russell, Mr. Toms and all of the cast and crew of our school musical, AIDA, the greatest of success as they begin the run on their show on Monday.  You can still get some tickets, but most nights are sold out.  Contact the school library for ticket details.

2.  All jacket orders have gone in and we are doing out best to get them here by Christmas; however, due to the delay in the samples driving, it is most likely that the order will arrive sometime during our break; your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

3.  As one of my colleagues used to tell his students, MERRY QUIZZMAS!  Yes, my gift to you, playing tests are coming to a band near you and will begin this week and wrap up next week.  After looking through numerous pieces, the band have all selected their music for concert and the playing tests will be exclusively on this music.  Jr. Jazz:  Romancing the Chili Pepper, Caldonia and Better Get it in Your Soul.  Inter Jazz:  Stuck in a Groove, Charleston Shuffle and Chili Today,Hot Tamale.  Sr. Jazz: One More and Chain Reaction.  9 CB:  Cumberland Cross and Hyperdrive.  10CB:  Danzon and Tricycle.  Symphonic Band:  Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo as well as Mambo.

4.  Last Sr. Jazz breakfast this year will be on the 18th - hosted by Mr. Edwards.

5.  Just a reminder that our winter concert is coming up on February 3rd at 7:00 in the gym.  One of the fantastic traditions of our concert has, unfortunately come to an end.  :( Sadly, after 15 years of some very memorable moments,  you will no longer be able to bring your own chair to our concerts.  Due to fire code restrictions, we will now be providing chairs for everyone in attendance. :(

6.  Speaking of concerts, now is a good time to remind everyone of our uniform.  We believe that you have to look good to play well.  In addition, we like our uniform as it allows for the opportunity for it to be worn outside of the concert setting.
Men:  Dark suit or Sports Jacket and Dark pants, tie, matching dark socks and dress shoes.

Ladies: Dress [leaning towards the summer dress style and not the formal ball gown type], matching dress shoes.  As a reminder,  a dress is a one-piece outfit and not a skirt and a top.

Please be forewarned that we take our uniform VERY SERIOUSLY at Westwood, and any student that shows up to a concert without the above mentioned uniform will not be permitted to play until they are dressed appropriately.  In addition, if the student fails to change into the proper uniform, they will receive an “Incomplete” standing for their performance. We take the uniform very seriously and consequently students who show up to concerts without the proper uniform will be sent home to change or not be permitted to perform.

Do not hesitate to contact Mr. Edwards if you have any questions.

7. Rock the Halls will be happening on the 19th. If you are a member of a band and would like to participate contact the office and find out what's involved. This is a great opportunity to share your talents with the school.

8. Lastly, just a reminder that you want to complete your sectionals before winter break to was your pain in January. Cut off date for sectional #2 and Self-Assessment #2 is January 19th.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Music Department Jacket Update

NEW - NOV 28 - Sample jackets are here.  Try them on in the choral room.  Order forms and cheques due December 4th.

We have just heard from Big Sand that there has been a slight delay in getting the sample jackets into Winnipeg.  Sample jacket sizes should be here by the end of the week.  The due date for the order will be adjusted accordingly.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Don't let me down

Ok fellow band-eees, we are getting to that time of the year where you are swamped with work and the temptation is to let somethings slide.  It is completely understandable and that is why I remind you that we all need to be one part ski jump girl, one part tenacious mousie and one part ukulele boy. You do not have to have it all perfect just have fun and who knows where you'll end up.

In the mean time..... Don't Let Me (Us) Down!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Music Department Jacket Order

This year the Music Department (Band and Choral) have decided to offer students the opportunity to purchase department jackets.  

Westwood Band and Choral students who wish to order a jacket may choose Small, Medium or Large in Men’s Style OR  Women’s Style.  All jackets black with charcoal piping, and will have a maroon “W” on the left front panel, with a grey outline around the letter, and with black words “Westwood Music” inside the letter.
Jacket price includes name of student left sleeve, and costs $65.54 (taxes included)
Adding disciplines (i.e. Band, Choral, Vocal Jazz, Jr. Jazz, etc) on the right sleeve cost $3.50 per line (taxes included).

Sample size jackets for students to try on will be at the school by November 21st. Deadline for submitting this order form is Friday,  November 28th. Payment is by cheque, made out to Westwood Collegiate. Please note - 
Although order forms are being distributed in class, you can download the order form from the link below.

All orders are paid by cheque only (Westwood Collegiate) and must be turned into Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell no later than Friday November 28th with a completed order form.

A Gentle Reminder

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Just a gentle reminder that all instrument rentals and percussion fees were due yesterday (November 17).

If you are unsure if your son or daughter is responsible for a rental fee or percussion fee, just click on the banner link at the top of this page and check out the enclosed list of the students and the fees owing for which particular instrument.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Edwards at your earliest convenience.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Brandon Jazz/ Galapagos/ IB/ Nationals

After some consideration and thought, we are going to recommend that students participating in the Galapagos trip DO NOT attend the Brandon jazz festival.  I have spoken with Mr. Shoesmith and the departure date seems to be staying with the 20th which could prove to be fairly problematic.

All apologies for any confusion.  If you have paid your deposit for Brandon and you are involved in the Galapagos tour, your $100.00 will be refunded.

With the  IB exam dates being public since last June, it is paramount that any student that is involved in the Nationals tour correlate their exam dates with our tour dates.  We ARE NOT recommending that IB students travel to Nationals, as we ARE NOT going to be in a situation to proctor student IB exams.  Please check with Mr. Valentim immediately if you have any concerns.

If you have made the $200 payment and you are not able to attend due to the IB exam schedule, your deposit will be refunded.

Please contact Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell immediately if you have any concerns.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

What Happened to Westwood Percussion Pride?

Hang on for a bit of a rant folks,

I have had the pleasure of being in a vast majority of the band rooms in this province as a guest and I can say that without a shadow of a doubt that we have one of the finest.  We have some truly impressive instruments that other schools would sell their xboxes for. .... not to mentions the mallet choices.  Lately, though, the percussionists have been treating the band room like their bed room.... literally, thousands of dollars of instruments are being abused and left to be knocked over by anyone who comes into the room.  Mallets are pulled apart for fun and abused and left lying around like used clothing on the bedroom floor.

Maybe percussionists  are under the impression that "Dobby"is going to clean up after them.  Well, that might be true, as I usually do clean up and tidy after them.


It is time that percussionists, start showing some Westwood pride!  There was a time when you did not take all of this for granted, so I know you can do it.

Mallets go in the mallet drawer.  Cords and cables get wrapped up.  Things that break or are broken are reported to Mr. Edwards so they can be fixed or replaced.

If we do not change our methods, it is only a matter of time that something of real value gets broken.

Enough talk.... "Let your performance do the talking."


We have finalized the agenda (dates) and cost for Nationals.  We need to meet, most likely no more than 15 minutes, to ensure that all stake holders are okay with the changes. Consequently, we will be  meeting on November 13th at 6:30 PM in the Band Room.  All students and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Fun Reminder

A student recently brought this cool video to my attention...... I guess there is music everywhere.

While you re-evaluate your washing machine, please be mindful of these dates:

Payments due via Cash-Online:

       1.   Brandon Jazz - non-refundable deposit of $100 due on the 7th of November.

       2.   Nationals  - non-refundable deposit of $200 due on the 7th of November.

       3.   Rental Fees are due on the 17th of November.  Click on the link above for more info.

Brandon Jazz Forms are due on the 7th, as well.  These forms are available by clicking on the link above - Brandon Jazz '15

Also, if you wish more information about Nationals click on the link above.


Self-Assessments, Sectionals and Re-testing for the first quarter are now closed - I will do my best to include any re-testing and self-assessments that come in after today; however, I cannot guarantee their inclusion on this report card.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Westwood Collegiate Arts Advisory Group

You are invited to attend the short meetings of the Arts Advisory Group. This parent group supports the various arts programs offered at Westwood. Come and see how you can get involved.

WCAAG Meetings
Tuesday, November 18
Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

7:00 PM in the Library
Westwood Collegiate

Westwood Collegiate
Arts Advisory Group

Monday, 27 October 2014

Coming to an end of the first quarter

Happy Halloween everyone!

Here is some FYI band notes....

It is hard to believe, but the first quarter of Band is coming to a close.  That means that we have some dates to be aware of.

Oct. 31st - Sectional cut-off.  Sectionals must be recorded in the sectional book by 3:30 this Friday.

Nov. 3rd - Self-Assessment #1 is Due.  Please visit our self-assesment page in the banner menu above for information on how to complete a successful self assessment.  My advice is to start with the check-list.

Nov. 3rd will be the last day for re-tests if you would like to change your mark on the first report card.

In the classroom, I have incorporated a unit on Music Philosophy this year.  Touch base with your music student if you would like to learn more.

All Jazz bands have finished their playing tests this week and the Symphonic Band and Gr. 10 Concert Band have passed the 90's test.  In all of that blur of assessment, I'm certain there are some marks that students may wish to polish up.  I am free after school until 4:00PM just about every day.

9 Concert Band in completing their one day unit on self-assessment today and then they will begin their run on the 90's test covering the material on pages 7-9 of their I Recommend method book.

We have some fees due as well,

Due on NOVEMBER 7th - Nationals Payment #1 and Brandon Jazz Payment #1.

Instrument Rentals/ Percussion fees - payment due November 17th. - see the Online rental link above for more information.

Speaking of Brandon Jazz.....

All of the information from the meeting last thursday is now on our website.  Just click the link above and follow the instructions for payment and forms to be filled out and returned.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


Thank you again to all the members of the RCAF Jetliners for their fantastic performance at Westwood this afternoon.  From the subtlety of Neil Hefty's "Cute" to the rip your face off intensity of Gordon Goodwin's "Jazz Police,"  the students were treated to a phenomenal performance.

Jetliner's you are welcome here anytime.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Nationals Information

If you are looking for information about Nationals, or you are looking for information from last night's meeting, click on the link at the top of this page.  Any questions, contact Mr. Edwards at your earliest convince.

Friday, 17 October 2014

It's time for Rental Fees

As I mentioned at the beginning of the year, I do not ask for rental monies right away, to help offset the financial pressure that September often brings to families.

Now that we are well into October, I start to collect rental fees.

At Westwood, we pay all of our fees on-line and you can follow the easy steps to do so on the link at the top of this page entitled  - ON LINE RENTAL INFO.

If you are wondering if you owe a rental fee, I have also included a spreadsheet on that page as well which includes the amount and type... just follow the link on that page.

All fees are due by November 17th or one month from today.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a unique payment plan, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Mr. Edwards

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Brandon Jazz Festival Meeting

Hey everyone,

We are all really excited to announce that we are going to be taking all three of our Jazz ensembles and both our Vocal jazz groups to the Brandon Jazz Festival this year.  This should be a really exciting tour full of performances, group watching, clinics and all out music making and appreciation.  The dates for this event are March 18 - 20, 2015.  Our tentative itinerary has us leaving at 1:00 on the 18th (Wed.) and returning on the 20th (Fri.) at 9:00 p.m.

To get things off the ground, we will be having a parent and student meeting in the theatre at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday the 23rd.  This meeting will be under an hour and give you a sample itinerary and a breakdown of the costs.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Greg Edwards - Jazz Band and Alice Russel - Vocal Jazz

Amazing Performance

On Thursday October 23rd, Westwood Collegiate will host the world renown Air Command Band in our theatre at 1:00 for a one hour thrill ride of musical excellence. All members of our community are welcome. 

The Royal Canadian Air Force Band is a group of thirty-five fulltime professional musicians who routinely perform throughout Canada. Comprised of a number of diverse groups and ensembles, the Band's role is to provide musical support to the Canadian Forces, all levels of government, and to a variety of public functions. TheRoyal Canadian Air Force Band also proudly represents Canada and the Canadian Forces around the globe. Military and public parades, ceremonial occasions, international tattoos, public and school concerts, official dinners, dances and receptions are all typical engagements for theRoyal Canadian Air Force Band and its varied ensembles.
In 2009 the Band embarked on an extensive and exciting musical restructuring that greatly enhanced its repertoire and relevance to better appeal to audiences of all ages. The versatility of the new Royal Canadian Air Force Band is readily evident through the number and variety of its groups and ensembles: Jet Stream, a Pipes and Drums Corps, Command Brass, Dixieland Band, Jazz Combos, a Celtic Band, Jazz Big Band and of course, Parade Band.
For over sixty years, this professional Air Force Band has been highly visible throughout the Canadian Forces. Instilling national pride in Canadian audiences across the country, it is also a key contributor to "esprit de corps" in our military. The Royal Canadian Air Force Band proudly represents Canada at international events around the globe, bringing with it the highest degree of diplomacy and statesmanship.
The Royal Canadian Air Force Band is based out of 17 Wing, Winnipeg and is presently under the command of Captain John Fullerton, CD. To find out more about the Royal Canadian Air Force Band and its wide-ranging ensembles or to request these services, please contact the Royal Canadian Air Force Band.
Visit the band's website here - Royal Canadian Air Force Band

Sr. Jazz National's Meeting

For all parents and students involved in the Sr. Jazz tour to Nationals in May, there will be a meeting with the travel agent on October 21st at 7:00 PM in the theatre.  The meeting should take approximately 45 minutes.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Why music? Why play an instrument?

I am often asked why be in band?  Why play an instrument in the first place?  If playing "f" on a clarinet is not the most important thing in the world.... what is it that band teaches?

I came across this article on the St. John's music website and I thought it answered these questions in a very straight forward way.

Playing a musical instrument has so many benefits and can bring joy to you and to everyone around you.
1. Helps with mental health issues
2. Increases the capacity of your memory
3. Refines your time management and organizational skills
4. Boosts your team skills
5. Teaches you perseverance
6. Enhances your coordination
7. Betters your mathematical ability
8. Improves your reading and comprehension skills
9. Increases your responsibility
10. Exposes you to cultural history
11. Sharpens your concentration
12. Fosters your self expression and relieves stress
13. Creates a sense of achievement
14. Promotes your social skills
15. Boosts your listening skills
16. Teaches you discipline
17. Enhances your respiratory system
18. Elevates your performance skills and reduces stage fright
19. Builds confidence
20. Promotes happiness in your life and those around you

Read the rest of the article on the St. John's Music Website

Monday, 6 October 2014

Where we at?

Okay.... so much is going on in the band room that there is not a second from 8:00AM to 4:00PM that there is not someone working on their music.  We have a host of things join on so let's have a look:

Symphonic Band - Auditions for part placement are now complete and marked RUBRIKS have been placed in  portfolios.  Re-testing can commence at any time.  Round one of the infamous 90's test happened today..... close, but
no cigar -as they say.  Round two will take place on Wednesday.  If you are away the day of a 90's test, you still have to complete the assignment, as it does constitute a mark in your grade book.  See Mr. E to book an appointment to complete.

10 Concert Band - Auditions for part placement are now complete and marked RUBRIKS have been placed in  portfolios.  Re-testing can commence at any time.  Round one of the infamous 90's test will take place on Tuesday Oct 6th.  If you are away the day of a 90's test, you still have to complete the assignment, as it does constitute a mark in your grade book.  See Mr. E to book an appointment to complete.

9 Concert Band - Auditions for part placement have begun.  Remember that these auditions are a big part of your mark in the grade-book.  Please come prepared and remember to check out the blogpost on Chromatics.  Auditions will continue as per the google doc no the blog.

Sr. Jazz - well on their way with more music than they know what to do with and more is on its way.  Please remember to hand in your blue sheets ASAP.  After Tuesday, if we do not have your blue sheet, we will have to count you out of our master plan.  Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. E at your earliest convenience.  The best thing you can do is to make sure you have the mp3's of the tunes to help you with the big picture.

Inter Jazz and Jr. Jazz-  - Auditions for part placement are now complete and marked RUBRIKS have been placed in portfolios.  Re-testing can commence at any time.  Parts have been assigned and music has been handed out.  The best thing you can do right now  is to make sure you have the mp3's of the tunes to help you with the big picture.

FYI - All jazz bands traditionally participate in the Brandon Jazz Festival from the 18 - 20 of March.  We will be meeting shortly to discuss and sending info home.  Just as a ball-park, last year's cost was $283.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

For Immediate Use - Gr.9's

This is re-posted from September 5th

 The second part of the audition is the chromatic scale.

For your audition you will be asked to play and say a 2 octave chromatic scale.

Although it is explained below, you might also find this guide helpful - How to not fail your chromatic scale test

To help clarify the scale - the one octave chromatic scale is easily understood as playing all the notes on a fingering chart beginning and ending on the same letter name.  A two octave scale would then be repeating this process twice except that the 2nd octave would be higher in pitch than the first.


Basically, you are going from just about as low as you can play to pretty well as high as you can play on your instrument.

You may begin on any note you wish that will allow you to play two octaves.

You will be asked to say the note name "out-loud" first and then play the note on your instrument.  You will continue this way until you reach the top of the 2nd octave.  Then you will follow the same pattern as you descend.

You will name the notes by their "sharp" name on the way up and by their "flat" name on the way down.

Gr.9's are permitted to use a fingering chart and Gr. 10 - 12 may not.

There are no part marks for the chromatic scale.  

It is a pass/fail assignment... either you can play it or you cannot.  

Thus, you will either get 50/50 or 0/50.

If you have any questions about your audition, please see Mr. Edwards ASAP and do not procrastinate.  

Monday, 22 September 2014

Audition Schedule



Audition Order:

Symphonic Band

Intermediate and Jr. Jazz

Gr. 10 Concert Band

Gr. 9 Concert Band

Monday, 15 September 2014

Technology Update

Westwood Collegiate
Technology Update
September 11, 2014 
Just a quick note home to let all parents know about all the great ways you can keep up-to-date on the exciting things going on in the band world.
Now, more than ever, you can virtually be involved with all we do and here’s 5 easy ways how you can “play-along” with us.
1. Get a twitter account and follow @bandatwestwood.
2. Get and Instagram account and follow @bandatwestwood
3. Get a Vine account and follow @bandatwestwood.
4. Log on to and sign up on the right hand side to “Follow by email.”  Simply type in your address and follow the prompts.
5. On the band website (listed in #4) click on the the “IMPORTANT DATES” link and follow the instructions to add our Google Calendar to your device and you will automatically be updated on all the band dates.
Any questions?  ask your children for help…. they truly are the leaders in technology.
And, if all else fails…….. you could always do things the old fashioned way and email me……


As most of you are aware by now, all of the school’s grades have been moved to an online site called: POWER SCHOOL.  The PowerSchool Portal provides parents access to real-time attendance information and, most importantly, student grades.

Use this link to login to the Power School Parent Portal.

The format and formulae for band grades can be found on the band website.  Just follow the link for “Program Information” and click on either Concert Band or Jazz Band beside Course Outlines.


As set by our school division, the rental fee of any instrument is $120.00 per year and can be made in two payments of $60.  As well, all percussionists pay a $60 fee for the year to cover new mallets and equipment.  

If you are switching instruments at the request of the director, Mr. Edwards will wave the rental fee for one year.

As the school year is a very busy time with a lot of families writing cheques for school and sports and extracurriculars, Mr. Edwards does not begin the payment process until October to give families a bit of a gap to recover from September. 

In addition, Westwood Collegiate has moved to an on line payment program to facilitate the ease of payment for all families.  This would include things like: all fees to Westwood, School Trips and Band Rentals.  Payment can be made by going to:

If you need any assistance setting up your account, you can find instructions here -

Daily School Announcements:  Westwood Collegiate News Online

At Westwood Collegiate, we've decided to go paperless with our newsletter. We are hoping to reduce paper use in another step in our ongoing commitment to sustainability. Also, by offering news in this format, we can now provide our community with real-time news as it happens, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send out information.

You can check out our daily announcements at :

As with the band website, you can sign up on the right hand side to “Follow by Email.”  Simply type in your address and follow the prompts to receive the daily announcements in your “in-box.”

Friday, 5 September 2014

Coming soon to a band class near you

Concert Band Auditions

Every class goes through an audition process so Mr. Edwards can place you on the appropriate part and to hear a little of your playing ability.  These auditions take approximately 5 minutes and will be done one-on-one with Mr. Edwards in his office during class time at the beginning of the year. 

The beginning date of the auditions will be announced: in class, on twitter and on this site.

This will be the first two major assignments of the year and each part of the audition is worth 50 marks.

If you would like to see the marking Rubric click here - Audition Rubric 

The audition has two parts:  

1)  The first part of the audition is an Étude or little study.

A number from our method book (distributed to all students for free at the beginning of the year), 
 I Recommend, is played.  The selected number is played at the tempo or speed indicated by the the tempo marking.  This tempo or speed can be found using a metronome set to the indicated number.  

If you do not have a metronome, you might find this on line metronome handy - On line metronome  or download a free metronome app to your device like this one- Metronomo

Here are the audition selections for each ensemble:
Symphonic Band 

- Page 11 #39 Tempo marking:  Quarter  note = 112

Concert Band 10/11 

- Page 9 # 19  Tempo marking:  Quarter  note = 66

Gr. 9 Concert Band

- Page 8 # 11 Tempo Marking: Quarter note = 80

2)  The second part of the audition is the chromatic scale.

For your audition you will be asked to play and say a 2 octave chromatic scale.

Although it is explained below, you might also find this guide helpful - Chromatics Explained

To help clarify the scale - the one octave chromatic scale is easily understood as playing all the notes on a fingering chart beginning and ending on the same letter name.  A two octave scale would then be repeating this process twice except that the 2nd octave would be higher in pitch than the first.

Basically, you are going from just about as low as you can play to pretty well as high as you can play on your instrument.

You may begin on any note you wish that will allow you to play two octaves.

You will be asked to say the note name "out-loud" first and then play the note on your instrument.  You will continue this way until you reach the top of the 2nd octave.  Then you will follow the same pattern as you descend.

You will name the notes by their "sharp" name on the way up and by their "flat" name on the way down.

Gr.9's are permitted to use a fingering chart and Gr. 10 - 12 may not.

There are no part marks for the chromatic scale.  

It is a pass/fail assignment... either you can play it or you cannot.  

Thus, you will either get 50/50 or 0/50.

If you have any questions about your audition, please see Mr. Edwards ASAP and do not procrastinate.  

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...