Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Why music? Why play an instrument?

I am often asked why be in band?  Why play an instrument in the first place?  If playing "f" on a clarinet is not the most important thing in the world.... what is it that band teaches?

I came across this article on the St. John's music website and I thought it answered these questions in a very straight forward way.

Playing a musical instrument has so many benefits and can bring joy to you and to everyone around you.
1. Helps with mental health issues
2. Increases the capacity of your memory
3. Refines your time management and organizational skills
4. Boosts your team skills
5. Teaches you perseverance
6. Enhances your coordination
7. Betters your mathematical ability
8. Improves your reading and comprehension skills
9. Increases your responsibility
10. Exposes you to cultural history
11. Sharpens your concentration
12. Fosters your self expression and relieves stress
13. Creates a sense of achievement
14. Promotes your social skills
15. Boosts your listening skills
16. Teaches you discipline
17. Enhances your respiratory system
18. Elevates your performance skills and reduces stage fright
19. Builds confidence
20. Promotes happiness in your life and those around you

Read the rest of the article on the St. John's Music Website

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...