Tuesday 24 September 2013

Concert Band Audition Schedule

Auditions will take place for each band over a period of five days in Mr. Edwards office one on one.

This "auditon" from the method book is worth 50 marks.  Please open the appropriate document below and see which day you audition on.  Students are to audition in the order a listed (alphabetical) and are expected to be waiting outside Mr. E's office door as soon as the previous audition has been completed.  Each audition has been allocated 4 minutes.

In addition to the number out of I Recommend, students will be asked to play a 2 octave chromatic scale for me from memory.  This scale is to be up in sharps and down in flats.  Students must say each note then play it.  The chromatic scale is worth 50 marks and is pass/fail.... you can either do it or you cannot.  Multiple re-tests are allowed. 

On the days you  are not scheduled you must be in class for attendance and then you are expected to participate in sectionals in preparation for your 90's Test.

Gr. 9 Concert Band:

Although the date for your audition has not been scheduled yet, this is the order you will be auditioned in:

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...