Thursday 16 May 2013

A Great Day with R.D.Parker

Apparently we don't spell so good.

After months of planning, the day finally arrived and the wonderful students and parents of the R.D. Parker Band program arrived at Westwood.

The Grade 10 Concert band made their arrival extra special by staring out side and meeting the bus as it pulled up.  From there the students met for a bit and got to know each other before they made their way to the theatre for a group performance.

R.D. Parker opened the concert with Anthem for Winds & Percussion (Claude T. Smith) and Great Locomotive Chase (Robert W. Smith).  Both pieces were superbly played and the 10's cheerd them on after each selection.  

Then it was our turn and the 10's performed:  Abracadabra (Tichelli) and Prelude and Pursuit (Sweeny).  Both pieces were well received and the students were excited for more, so both bands merged together to for a mass band and they all played the Great Locomotive Chade together.

At this point the 10's, unfortunately had to go back to class.  So, everyone took a break and went back to the band room to enjoy some muffins, cookies and juice provided by the students from Gr10 +12 Concert Band.

R.D. Parker went back to the theatre and had a clinic with Mr. Edwards for an hour on their music and everyone was able to have a few laughs and feel pretty good about their wonderful playing.

Lastly, the band was joined by the Gr. 12 Concert Band from Westwood and the massed group performed Stardance (Sweeny) much to the delight of everyone involved.

Everyone from Westwood would like thank the students, teachers and chaperones from R.D. Parker fro making the effort to stop by and share their music making with us.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...