Friday, 11 June 2021


Written Reflection # 4 is now Due.  If you need help, information can be found on the band website  or by clicking this link-

All school owned instruments, music and folders must be brought back to school any time during school hours on the 14th or 15th via the parking lot band room door.  PLEASE ERASE ALL YOUR MUSIC.  Upon entry, please sort your music into the appropriate piles and place your folder back in its slot.  Mr. Edwards will go over your instrument with you.  Students auditioning for Sr. Jazz may keep their instruments and folders until after they have submitted their audition for the 18th.  These students can return their instruments Monday the 21st during regular school hours.

Your final concert will be broadcast on the band YouTube channel on the 17th.  The expectation is that you watch the entire concert with your family. Lots to learn and enjoy by seeing and listening to the other bands and being supportive of our HUGE Band Family.  Please share the link below with all of your extended family throughout the world and invite them to watch.  The link will go live at 5:00PM (local time) on the 17th.  Awards pick up will be on the 21st in the band room via the parking lot door... specific times to be announced later.

The Manitoba Band Association has arranged a special awards ceremony just for the students of Westwood Collegiate.  I do not have the date for this as of yet, but it will most likely be afterschool sometime the week of the 14th.  All band students are expected to attend and join in the celebrations of our band family.  Please invite your parents to join you on the couch.... I really believe that this is going to be something specail as they have never done something like this.  This is an unprecedented move by Optimist and the Manitoba Band Association so I think it is going to be SUPER EXCITING.  As soon as I know the ZOOM link, I will post it on TEAMS.

Best of luck for all of you auditioning for Sr. Jazz.  A reminder that recordings are due no later than the 18th at 7:00AM.

Final day of classes for: LTJO, SYMPHONIC BAND and 10 CB will be Friday June 18th. Final day of classes for SR. JAZZ, 9 CONCERT BAND AND B.I.G. BAND  will be monday June 21st.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...