Tuesday 5 September 2017

Jazz at Westwood

I have had a few questions about Jazz for the upcoming 2017-18 school year.

Here is a bit of information to help clarify any questions you may have.

  • Sr. Jazz is auditioned in June and those positions have all been filled.  That class meets on Day 1, 3, 5 at 7:15AM.
  • The program we use to design the timetables does not recognize classes that happen before school, so it uses period 9 instead and makes it look like you have a class in the evening from 7:30-8:30PM.  You do not.
  • All jazz bands at Westwood are sorted by ability through a brief audition process in September.  Age or Grade does not matter.  
  • Until the auditions are done, the program that designs the time table just places students who want to be in Jazz in a class based on grade.  Thus, if you are in Grade 11 or 12 it looks like you are in Period 9 at  7:30-8:30PM.  You are not.
  • As it stands Intermediate Jazz will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 1,3,5.
  • Junior Jazz will be split into two separate bands after auditions and one will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 and the other will meet at 7:15AM on days (2,4,6)
  • A reminder to all incoming 9's - Jazz Band is a full credit with its own grading system and assignments separate to Concert Band.  
  • For the time being, you are expected to come to class as follows.
    • Sr. Jazz  - Day 1,3,5 at 7:15AM. - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.
    • Jr. Jazz  - period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 - Starting Friday Sept 8th.(ATTENDANCE ONLY) - THEN EXPECTATIONS/ MUSIC/ INSTRUMENTATION ETC. WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THE 12TH.
    • Intermediate Jazz - Day 1,3,5 - period 4 (Lunch) - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.

SO........  If you are in Sr. Jazz - Thursday the 7th - 7:15AM.

Anyone NOT in Sr. Jazz, but you are in Grade 10, 11, or 12 you will be considered Intermediate Jazz and you have class starting on the 7th at period 4 (Lunch) - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.

For the time being Jr. Jazz will only be made up of gr 9's and will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 Starting Friday Sept 8th.   (ATTENDANCE ONLY) - THEN EXPECTATIONS/ MUSIC/ INSTRUMENTATION ETC. WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THE 12TH.

Feel free to drop by and say hi if this is as clear as mud.  Mr. E.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...