Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Jazz at Westwood

I have had a few questions about Jazz for the upcoming 2017-18 school year.

Here is a bit of information to help clarify any questions you may have.

  • Sr. Jazz is auditioned in June and those positions have all been filled.  That class meets on Day 1, 3, 5 at 7:15AM.
  • The program we use to design the timetables does not recognize classes that happen before school, so it uses period 9 instead and makes it look like you have a class in the evening from 7:30-8:30PM.  You do not.
  • All jazz bands at Westwood are sorted by ability through a brief audition process in September.  Age or Grade does not matter.  
  • Until the auditions are done, the program that designs the time table just places students who want to be in Jazz in a class based on grade.  Thus, if you are in Grade 11 or 12 it looks like you are in Period 9 at  7:30-8:30PM.  You are not.
  • As it stands Intermediate Jazz will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 1,3,5.
  • Junior Jazz will be split into two separate bands after auditions and one will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 and the other will meet at 7:15AM on days (2,4,6)
  • A reminder to all incoming 9's - Jazz Band is a full credit with its own grading system and assignments separate to Concert Band.  
  • For the time being, you are expected to come to class as follows.
    • Sr. Jazz  - Day 1,3,5 at 7:15AM. - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.
    • Jr. Jazz  - period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 - Starting Friday Sept 8th.(ATTENDANCE ONLY) - THEN EXPECTATIONS/ MUSIC/ INSTRUMENTATION ETC. WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THE 12TH.
    • Intermediate Jazz - Day 1,3,5 - period 4 (Lunch) - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.

SO........  If you are in Sr. Jazz - Thursday the 7th - 7:15AM.

Anyone NOT in Sr. Jazz, but you are in Grade 10, 11, or 12 you will be considered Intermediate Jazz and you have class starting on the 7th at period 4 (Lunch) - starting Thursday Sept. 7th.

For the time being Jr. Jazz will only be made up of gr 9's and will meet during period 4 (Lunch) on days 2,4,6 Starting Friday Sept 8th.   (ATTENDANCE ONLY) - THEN EXPECTATIONS/ MUSIC/ INSTRUMENTATION ETC. WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THE 12TH.

Feel free to drop by and say hi if this is as clear as mud.  Mr. E.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...