2016 Optimist Band and Jazz festival dates were made official yesterday.
Please mark your calendars, as this is going to be one amazing festival run with 6 band at competition.
Optimist Concert Band - Convention Centre
Thursday, Feb. 25th
2:20 PM Gr. 9 Concert Band - Performance time.
Students will be taken down and return by school bus.
12:45 Pick up at Westwood Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd) going to the Convention Centre
3:30 Pick -up at the convention centre returning to Westowod Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd)
4:00ISH - @Westwood
7:50 PM Grade 10 Concert Band - Performance
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the convention centre
3:30PM all percussionists meet in the band room to pack up instrumentation
6:50PM - All members must be at the convention centre and meet Mr. Edwards at the bottom of the main escalators. We should be finished adjudication and photo by 8:00PM
Friday, Feb. 26th
6:05 PM - Symphonic Band
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the convention centre
3:30PM all percussionists meet in the band room to pack up instrumentation
4:30PM (NEW TIME) - All members must be at the convention centre and meet Mr. Edwards at the bottom of the main escalators. We should be finished adjudication and photo by 7:00PM
Each year the Optimist festival is run by a group of dedicated volunteers from the various Optimist Clubs in Winnipeg. For the past 7 years,in the spirit of volunteerism, Westwood Collegiate has been the workforce that helps the administrative team pack up the festival. All symphonic band members are encouraged to bring a change of clothes as we will be: stacking chairs, stands and putting the percussion section back in its boxes and helping festival organizers. We will be done sometime around 9:30 with clean-up.
This does qualify for volunteer hours for those who need them.
Optimist Jazz Band - North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church 1315 Gateway.
Thursday March 3rd
2:40 PM Jr. Jazz Band - Performance time.
Students will be taken down and return by school bus.
12:30 Pick up at Westwood Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd) going to North Kildonan Mennonite Bretheren Church 1315 Gateway
3:30 Pick -up at North Kildonan Mennonite Bretheren Church 1315 Gateway returning to Westwood Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd)
4:00ISH - @Westwood
Friday March 4th
4:40 PM Intermediate Jazz Band - Performance time.
Students will be taken down and return by school bus.
2:30 Pick up at Westwood Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd) going to North Kildonan Mennonite Bretheren Church 1315 Gateway
5:40 Pick -up at North Kildonan Mennonite Bretheren Church 1315 Gateway returning to Westowod Collegiate (360 Rouge Rd)
6:20ish return to WestwoodSaturday March 5th
4:10 PM Sr. Jazz Band - Performance time.
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the NKMB church (1315 gateway)
Students must be at the church no later than 3:00PM
We should be finished the adjudication and photo by 5:00PM