Friday 11 September 2015

Jazz Band Audition Information

This year we have an outstanding number of musicians wanting to be a part of our dynamic jazz program.

As in past, to facilitate the placement of members in Intermediate and Jr. Jazz, we will be holding auditions. Music will be available in the band room starting Monday.

 During class times next week (Sept.14-18) we will be running the audition music in preparation for auditions during class time the following week (21-25).  Students are welcome to take home both audition pieces and seek help from peers and Mr. Edwards.  The audition will be graded and will constitute your first mark in Jazz if you are placed in either of the ensembles.

A reminder that Jazz band is a full credit course and is accepted for university entrance.  Students will receive course credit for their appropriate grade regardless of the ensemble they are accepted into - i.e.  if a Gr. 12 student is in Jr. Jazz they would receive a Gr.12 credit upon successful completion of the course and vice versa if a Gr. 9 was in Sr. Jazz.

PLEASE NOTE:  That unfortunately, due to the limited instrumentation in Jazz, there are only so many parts available.  There may simply not be enough parts for everyone.  After the audition process is complete, we may be in a situation where everyone may not be able to take jazz band this year.

Jr. Jazz meets on Days 2,4,6 at 12:03 - 1:00PM

Intermediate Jazz meets on Days 1, 3, 5 at 12:03 - 1:00PM

If you ave any questions, please see Mr. Edwards for assistance.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...