- We have several students with peanut-allergies coming on tour with us. There are to be no peanut-based snacks on the bus (both ways).
- Students are to bring their luggage to the band or choral room on Wednesday morning.
- you will need your uniform.
- you will need to bring your folder.
- If you are in band, you will need your instrument.
- All bands are to meet in the band room on Wednesday at 12:03 to load up and check equipment.
- All students will receive a package with the itinerary and the clinic schedule when the get on the bus. This itinerary will be discussed en route and will need to be kept with you at all times after.
- Busses are divided alphabetically by last name. Period.
A reminder that all forms and payments are now due. If you have not done so, please take care of these items immediately. Failure to submit the forms or make payment will negate your place on our tour.