Wednesday, 6 February 2013

To All Band Students

Some thoughts about registration to all Band Students:

This week registrations come out.  Basically, it works like this... if you don't sign up, we can't continue to have fun.  I sincerely hope that come registration time that you think back on all of the great times we have had together and sign up to keep the love alive.  Band is a wonderful course and I am so proud to be your teacher, but remember, it is a team sport and without a team, we do not have class.  Think of it from a football perspective, it's great to have an amazing quarterback, but if we do not have anyone to catch the ball, it is kind of pointless... no?  Remember, we need everyone to sign up to play the game.

Also, the University of Minnesota Morris will be here this Saturday doing clinics with the Gr. 12's.  The Gr. 12 Concert Band and the University Wind Ensemble will be giving a FREE concert at 11:45ish in out theatre.  Come on by and bring a friend or a family member and hear some great music. Concert should be done in under an hour.

Sr. Jazz:

Reminder about the Cancer Care concert on Friday night.  I am asking everyone to be at Westwood for 7:00 a.m. for rehearsal and we will rehearse in the theatre that morning.  Then you will need to be back at the school for 6:00 and we open the concert at 7:00 p.m.  You will be able to go home by 7:30.  We do not have to strike the rhythm section, just the stands and chairs.

Gr. 12 Concert Band:

Reminder that the University of Minnesota Morris will be here this Saturday doing clinics with us.  Mr. Simon Tiller, along with his principal players, will be conducting a workshop with us similar to Lincoln Love.  You need to be here at 9:00 to set up in the theatre for the event.  Clinics run from 10:20ish to 11:30.  We will then break for snackies, and start our concert at 12:00.  You will be done by 1:30.

Gr. 9 Concert Band:

Reminder to bring in your salmon coloured travel forms for Optimist.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...