Friday, 28 September 2012

Don't worry, even though I am sick, I have not forgotten you.

Here is a bit of humour that is right up my alley....  Happy Friday!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

As a follow up to last week's post about Cam Cordoviz, we are pleased to announce that Westwood student, Cam Cordoviz has been awarded the winning spot in the Canadian National Roland virtual drum competition.  Out of 100's of entrants all across Canada, Cam was chosen as the overall winner.  As the winner, Cam will receive a Roland drum set valued at $3000 and a free trip to be a part of the Montreal Drum festival in the middle of October where he will meet several of his drumming idols.  We will follow this post with more information as it becomes available.

Today we were thrilled to have Winnipeg Symphony orchestra horn player Michiko Singh here in the band room holding a master class with all of our French Horn players.  Ms. Singh shared her love of the horn and her enthusiasm with our young musicians for over an hour.  She began with a brilliant performance of a horn concerto and by the end she was reading duets with the students.  We are truly grateful for the community outreach program at the WSO and really glad she could join us.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Okay in the band world things are moving along very smoothly.

We are very excited to welcome the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra to Westwood on the 3rd at 2:00.  There will be some room for the public if your parents are interested.

All French horn players are to meet in the band room during period 2 tomorrow - thursday the 27th for a free masterclass with Michico a French Horn player from the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra,

Gr.9 Concert - we look to wrap up the auditions sometime next week and then we will move on to the 90's test where they will be responsible for all exercises on pages 7-9 [except the triplets].  All audition marks will be posted in the student's portfolio in the band room once we are done.

Gr 10 Concert - We have completed the audition process and the audition marks are located in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-10.

Gr 11 Concert - We should wrap up the audition process next class.  Still to go - Bastounis, Palka, Trites, Corrie, Bisignano, Bauer, Cordoviz, Klyne and Gaminek.  When we have completed the audition process and the audition marks will be placed in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-12.

Gr. 12 Concert - We have completed the audition process and the audition marks are located in their portfolios in the band room.  The next hurdle will be the 90's test... pages 7-12.

Jazz Bands - All jazz bands have finished their auditions and part placement has been assigned.  New music has been placed in their folder slots and they have been encouraged to download the MP3'S at the listening site.... the link to which is located at the bottom of this blog.

As well, the SECTIONAL BOOK is now available for your use.

Friday, 21 September 2012

SO .... we have been bugging Cam Cordoviz about his awesome rise to fame - [ if you have no idea what I am talking about, see the previous post and make sure you watch it as today's post depends upon you knowing a bit about Cam.]

Any way..... as a teacher I often wonder what will happen to my students after graduation.  When I saw today's video I just about spit out my milk.  If there was ever any doubt, I now know what Cam will be up to when he is 80.


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Go Cam!  We are all cheering for you!  Click on the link below to find out more about the contest.

Or.... click below to watch Cam in action.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Gr.9's - My job/ Your job is marked and in your portfolios
After going through the audition process today, I would like to offer some advice.  Re-read the post from september 10th.... specifically what is says about how to do your chromatic scale.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Jr. Jazz - Great sight-reading today - Here is the link to Groovemaker.

Happy Friday - great 1st week everyone.  Here's a little something for your contemplation as people try to make the sounds they hear in their heads.  Enjoy..... Auditions begin next week.

Bleep Blap Bloop from Paul Constantakis on Vimeo.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

9 CB - don't worry about the audition right away... let's do some more playing on Monday and see where it leads us.  If you were one of the people who did not get a book, please see me tomorrow and I will photocopy the audition piece for you so you have something to look at in preparation for the audition.
Sr. Jazz - Here is a version of Rhyme.  Some interesting ideas here.

Gr.9's your "Needs" pie chart is marked and in your portfolio.

Remember  NO NAME =  NO MARK.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Alright... as we head into the audition process, I am hearing some really great sounds on your instruments.  My best advice to everyone is to go slow and be accurate.  As well, I would like to take this opportunity to address sectionals.  If they are not taken seriously when we give up valuable class time, we will no longer be pursuing this option.   Class time sectionals are a privilege.   Just a friendly reminder that using this time to chat or to text is not appropriate.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

9 Concert Band - Great class today!  Just a reminder to sign up with your email on the left hand side of the blog and read the posts below.  As well, "My Job/ Your Job" is due next class.  I eagerly look forward to reading them.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Your Band  TO DO list:

1)  Auditions begin on Friday the 14th for Gr 10, 11, 12 and Jr. Jazz and Monday the 17th for Gr. 9 and intermediate Jazz.

   a)  Red Book Audition Numbers:

   Gr. 9 - Page 7 #3
   Gr. 10 - Page 9 #19
   Gr. 11 - Page 11 #35
   Gr. 12 - Page 12 # 43

   b)  Chromatic Scale - This is 2 octaves starting on any note.  You will say the note name and then    play the note you named.... remember up in "Sharps" and down in "Flats."   Gr. 9's may use a fingering chart.  Gr. 10- 12 - no.

Note:  the audition number out of the Red Book is worth 50 marks and the Chromatic scale is worth 100 marks.  The Red Book numbers can be re-tested to improve your grade as many times as you wish until the end of first semester.  You are awarded 100 marks on the completion of the chromatic scale.  If you do not complete this task by the first reporting period (Nov. 9th), you will receive a mark of "0" until you complete the task.

2)   Sr. Jazz begins on Thursday the 13th at 7:30 a.m.  Intermediate and Jr. Jazz will begin auditions this week and students will be placed in an ensemble according to ability.

3)  Sectionals:  you must complete 4 sectionals by the end of the first reporting period (Nov. 9th).  For this first set, these should be completed during class time while I am processing the auditions in his office.  You may sectional with unlike instruments; however, the is a far greater benefit from having sectionals with like instruments.

4)  Everything will be on this blog.  I will assume for the remainder of the year that if I have posted information here on this blog, that you have read it and will come to me if you have any questions.  To keep everyone in the loop, you can sign up with your email address on the right-had side of this post and my blog will email you when I post something new.

5)  All information will be posted on the blog and conversational items will be posted on Edmodo.  Please make sure you can still access your account.  If you cannot please see me immediately and we can rectify the situation together.

6)  If you need an instrument, we will be taking care of that during class this week.  Rental fees are $120 for the year.  Fees can only be paid by cheque and cheques are to be made payable to "Westwood Collegiate."

7)  When it comes to instrument and the like, I can usually find something to solve my problems at the Conn-Selmer website.  Here you, in the teacher's section, you will find just about everything to solve your problems.  From fingering charts to interesting suggestion on technique, it is all here.  Here is a quick link for you - Conn-Selmer

Friday, 7 September 2012

Don't worry, they didn't leave me in Europe..... they tried, but I am too sneaky for 'em.

Welcome back everyone.  I sincerely hope you had a great summer and if you are new to Westwood, then welcome to your second home.

This blog will serve as the nerve center, along with Edmodo, for keeping up with the band program.  Here I will regularly update everyone with the "goings on" and what not of the program.  From concert dates to exam info, it will all be here..... eventually.

On that note, give me a week or so to get everything all updated and current, as we make some adjustment to our classes and expectations.

In the meantime, you can click on the google docs on the right hand side (under the title Program Information) and easily learn a little more about us.  Just be aware, that this information is last year's.

As always, if you have any thoughts you'd like to share with me, you can reach me at:

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...