Thursday, 31 January 2019

Winter Band Concert

Wow!  It's hard to believe that the annual Westwood Winter Band Concert is just around the corner.  We happily invite you all to join us Wednesday Feb. 6th at 7:00 PM in the gym to come and celebrate with all of our wonderful musicians.  Doors open at 4:00PM and admission is FREE.

Just some last minute reminders:

  • Students are required, as part of the exam process, to stay for the entire concert. Besides it's too cold out... staying inside with us where it is warm is far more fun.  Please don't get up and leave after your family member has performed... it's just plain rude.
  • Students need to be at Westwood by 5:45PM
  • Concert will be done somewhere around 9:00PM and all students are required to help with teardown.
  • We hire a professional photographer and videographer to shoot the show so you do not have to watch the entire thing through the finger-printy screen on your device.  Besides, they will get far better pictures than you ever will with your device.  This footage becomes the basis of our annual fundraiser - the band flash drive.  For $20 you will get all of the pictures and videos from every concert this year - which is available for purchase at the final concert in May.  SO... sit back and enjoy the show.
  • All students are responsible for set-up on the 5th (Tuesday) at 5:30 PM.  Set up usually is done in less than 30minutes.
  • we also web-cast our concerts - check back later for the links so that you can share them with your loved ones around the world.  

Tuesday, 15 January 2019


Hey everyone one of my former students is a brilliant trumpet player that plays with the Heavyweight Brass Band and he is up for an award. Please follow this link and vote for John Pittman.

P.S. - I heard a rumour that he may be one one of the fabulous adjudicators at brandon Jazz this year!

Last year LTJO played one of the Heavyweights compositions - Roscoe's Big Hit that is on their latest album: This City and they sent us an autographed copy on vinyl no less!!!

Here they are with: Tell Me Something Good!

Monday, 7 January 2019

WOW are we BUSY

Just a quick reminder of upcoming dates:

Jan. 14th - Self Assessment # 2 is due.

Jan. 24th - Mark cut-off for Semester 1.  Last day for re-testing playing tests.  Do not procrastinate, book your appointment now!

Jan. 25- 31st. - Exam Week.

Feb. 1 - Inservice

Feb. 4-5 - Last band rehearsals before concerts

Feb. 5th - Concert set-up in the evening

Feb. 6th - Band concert 7:00PM (All groups)

Feb. 15th - Sectional Cut-off #3

Feb. 21-22 - Optimist International Band Festival

Feb. 28th - Mar. 2  - Optimist International Jazz Festival

Mar. 13- 15 - Brandon Jazz Festival

Mar. 20 - Self-Assessment #3 Due.

Mar. 25-29 - Spring Break

See..... I told you we were BUSY!

As always, feel free to contact Mr. Edwards if you have any questions.

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...