Thursday 25 October 2018

Instrument Rental Fee

Instrument Rentals are now online and you will be receiving an email shortly from school soft about the fee.  Please click on the "Rental" banner above for more information.

Monday 15 October 2018

Brandon Jazz Meeting

There will be a meeting for all members of JINTER Jazz, LTJO and their parents on Tuesday October 30th at 6:00PM in the theatre. At this meeting we will be planing for our annual Vocal Jazz/ Jazz Band tour to attend the Brandon Jazz Festival.  Please make sure you are able to attend.  The meeting will be approximately 20 minutes.  You can also find information about past tours on the band website by clicking the Brandon Jazz Link.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell at your earliest convenience.

October Students of the Month

October Band Students of the Month

This month we highlight the undergrad award winners from last year.  Blake, Drew, Gracie and Soren exemplify the awesome band students we have in our program.  Whether is it taking private lessons on two instruments outside of class time or volunteering to give up spares to come in and work with other bands these four did it all.  In addition they made time to be at extra rehearsals and performances…. what dedication!  We are super proud of them and congratulate each one of them for their obvious love and dedication to the band program.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Band Flash Drives Are Here

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

With huge excitement, I opened the package that had journey all the way from China via the US, through customs to my office.  I just had to try one out..... sounds great and contains a bucket of fun!!!

I will be distributing the drives tomorrow during Symphonic Band and Gr. 10 Concert.  GRADS.... first of all I hope you are all doing well and are having fun in your adventures!  The Drives will be available for pick up tomorrow (Oct 5th) in the office.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

LTJO and JINTER audition results

What a great year for auditions!  Loads of fun and lots of great playing.

LTJO - begins rehearsals Thursday (tomorrow - October 4)

JINTER begins rehearsals on Friday.

See you there.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...