Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Band News

1.  Good luck to all of our Jazz bands as they make their way to the  Optimist Jazz festival at the Franco Manitoba Cultural Centre this week.  For more info click on the Optimist Tab above.

2.  Congratulations to all of our Concert Bands for "sweeping" Optimist festival.  Check out Instagram for more pics and vids of their dramatic performances.

3.  Date Change:  we are moving the final band concert to the 30th of May in the gym at 7:00PM

4.  Final payment of $95 for Brandon Jazz Festival is due by the 10th of March.  See your cash online account for more information.

5.  Jazz Parents: next week keep an eye out for Brandon Jazz permission forms and medical forms coming your way.

6.  The band listening site has been moved to a TAB above for easier access.

7.  This year I have chosen the Gr. 10 Concert Band and Sr. Jazz to perform at FLOTA and Family Concert.  More information to follow.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Optimist Information

Looking for Optimist information, click on the banner link above and you can see it all including downloadable forms.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Brandon Jazz Festival Update

Loads of exciting information has been posted in the Brandon Jazz 2017 link above.  If you are involved, check it out! And as always, feel free to contact Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell if you have any questions.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Welcome to Open House

Welcome to Open House on Feb. 15, 2017.  We are all really excited to meet you.  Tours begin at 7:00Pm and Mr. Edwards (our wonderful band director) will be in the band room until the last parent leaves.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact him at: gedwards@sjsd.net.

At Westwood we offer three dynamic concert bands and four fully voiced jazz ensembles. Feel free to explore this website for loads of information about the fantastic programming available here in our band program.

What makes us unique, you ask?  Unlike most top down organizations, we are a student led program that focuses on life-skill development and project based learning where student voice drives program change.

Speaking of student voice:

"When I first came to Westwood I was almost certain that I was going to drop band all together but decided to stick it out and give it a chance.  I am very thankful that I did, as I have learned more than I had ever imagined, and not just with music, but also in life."  - Mikayla

"There are some moments where I just sit back and listen to everything going on and the fact that seventy of the sportiest, nerdiest, and genuinely nicest people in Westwood get together to play something so beautiful." - Kelli

Enjoy your tour.... want to read more student quotes.... we got a ton of 'em.  Click here: Student Quotes

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Optimist reminder

All optimist information was posted on the 6th of December.  Click here to learn more:  Optimist

A Concert to Celebrate an Era

  After 30 years of teaching in the St. James Assiniboia school division, Mr. Edwards has made the difficult decision to pass on his baton. ...