Tuesday 1 December 2015

Merry Quizzmas

Merry Quizzmas is just around the corner.  What't that you say.... that would be Mr. Edwards joking title for your band midterm exam.  Quizzmas takes place in all band and jazz classes during the week of the 14th-18th.  Concert band will cover the two current selections and Jazz will cover the three current selections we are working on.  "What measures?"  you ask. Mr. Edwards replies, "all of them!"

The format will follow the same as last year.  Last year's exam rubric is posted on this site under program info.  The best thing you can do to prepare is to make sure you have a solid idea of which measures of music are giving you a problem (Circle) and then to try to knock down a circle or two at the start of each class and during sectionals.

If you have any questions please stop by and see Mr. Edwards.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...