Saturday 26 April 2014

Former Westwood Band Student in the News

Two teachers from the Lundar School were honoured this past week in a ceremony at the Manitoba Legislature. Donald Nikkel and Lauren Marshall both received "Celebration of Excellence in Teaching" awards from the Education Minister, and both say they were surprised and excited to be recognized in this way. Nikkel says nothing happens in isolation as a teacher, because it's always a team effort with the staff, but notes it was a great feeling to learn he had won the Senior Years Teaching Excellence award. He adds although this kind of recognition is very nice, he prefers to focus on what's happening in the classroom and with his students.
Marshall says her first thought upon hearing that she had won the award for Outstanding New Teacher was that she's still getting her feet wet and still learning, so the things she's been doing didn't seem so exceptional. Marshall notes the more she thought about it, however, she realized she has done some pretty good things in her first year and she can be proud of her accomplishments. She adds being surrounded by so many amazing educators at the Legislature last week was a bit overwhelming and she felt emotional during the ceremony as it began to sink in that she was included in that group. Marshall says receiving this honour was very encouraging and gave her confidence to continue to pursue the goals she set out to accomplish as a teacher.

Lauren graduated from Westwood in 2007 and was an active participant in all facets of the Arts at Westwood Collegiate.   Lauren was 1st clarinet in Symphonic Band and was our piano player in Sr. Jazz.  Her work with Sr. Jazz can be heard on the recording A Case for Chaos - featuring the music of Charles Mingus.  Lauren was also a member of the choral program and performed in musical theatre, as well.  She is famous for graduating with just over 50 credit hours, which is a testament to her hard work and dedication to go above and beyond while she was here at Westwood.   

Lauren was nominated through a provincial program called "Celebration of Excellence in Teaching"     

Monday 21 April 2014

Sr. Jazz 2014-2015 Auditions

I sincerely hope that everyone had a fantastic Easter.

Sr. Jazz audition music is now available for next year.  Please see Mr. E to pick up your copy of the music.

A full recording of the music and a recording of the solos section (with full rhythm section) is available on the Westwood Band listening site.... just scroll to the bottom.

Audition Times:

Auditions are held from Tuesday May 20th to May 30th.   Auditions will be booked in 15 minute blocks.  Mr. Edwards will be available on 1,3,5 before school and every day after school.

Obviously during this time we are in classes, so I want to make clear that you DO NOT have my permission to miss class to audition.  You are not to schedule time with Mr. Edwards unless you are free.

You are responsible for coming to Mr. Edwards and arranging a time.  No drop-ins.  First come.... first served.  There will be no extensions.  Do not wait until the 30th.... it will be too late.

Audition Details:
Part One:  will consist of the entire piece to be played along with the original track at low volume.

Part Two: every member must take two choruses of solo along with the solo track.

Both tracks are located at the bottom of Westwood's listening site.

The Solo section would be  (8 bars Hip-Hop and 8 Bars Shuffle )X2


C Instruments:  8 bars F Blues  2 Bars F Blues, 2 Bars Dmin, 4 Bars F Blues

Bb Instruments:  8 bars G Blues  2 Bars G Blues, 2 Bars Emin, 4 Bars G Blues

Eb Instruments:  8 bars D Blues  2 Bars D Blues, 2 Bars Bmin, 4 Bars D Blues

Basic soloing advice:

In whatever key you are in you will want to find these three notes to create you solo foundation:

1st note, flat 3rd note (3rd note down a semi-tone) and flat 7th (7th note down a semi-tone).
Combine that with a healthy dose of attitude and rhythm and you will be on your way.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Westwood Music Family Concert

What a celebration of musical awesomeness!  On tuesday night, right after Westwood's fantastic arts extravaganza - For the Love of the Arts, Westwood hosted music students from: Phoenix, Sansome, Lincoln and our very own Westwood Collegiate. Each school brought a couple of performing ensembles and they all performed for each-other in celebration of the phenomenal music that is going on our schools.  People in attendance were treated to:  Jazz Bands, Orff Ensembles, Choirs and Bands.  All of the groups succeeded in creating a magical atmosphere that made the evening sizzle from beginning to end.

Here is the night's Program:


What can I say that has not been said already?  WOW! The annual For the Love of The Arts showcase took place on Monday April 14.  Students in Grades 9-12 involved in the Arts Programs at Westwood Collegiate that include Band, Choral, Dance, Drama, Graphic Technology, and Visual Arts had an opportunity to exhibit their artistic prowess in this fast paced variety show. The theme of the show, Pop Goes The Arts, was based on Pop Art movement of the nineteen-sixties. The decorations featured Westwood Arts teachers large size posters and silk screened images on bright primary colours in Andy Warhol style. Once again the audience was under the spell of expressive choral songs and dances followed by hilarious drama skits and groovy music withe 1011 Concert Band playing some very cool and psychedelic music. The Visual Arts and Graphic Technology students displayed their works in the main lobby before the show and during the intermission. The Westwood Collegiate Arts Advisory Group hosting the event provided light refreshments and arranged for the centerpiece building contest that proved to be challenging and entertaining. All performers and Arts teachers joined in the dance on stage to the final tune of groovy Soul Bossa Nova as played by the Sr. Jazz.

Sr. Jazz with the WJO

Hello parents, sr. jazz members and fans of sr. jazz.

We are pleased o announce that the Sr. Jazz had been invited for the third year in a row (natural hat-trick) to "open" for the season finalé of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra (WJO).  They will be performing on the 11th of May( Mother's Day) at 2:00 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG).

Each time we have done this, the WJO has offered us some significant deals on tickets, but due to the fantastic nature of this performance, it has always sold out.  Parents wishing to get tickets can follow the procedures as outlined below.  Members of Sr. Jazz receive a free ticket.

WJO Ticket Policy

In appreciation for the effort and dedication of you and your students, we are proud to offer the following ticket options. Please review the following complimentary ticket policy:

One free ticket is provided to each student performer and any supervising teachers for the concert in which you are performing (up to a maximum of 25 in total).

Significantly discounted tickets to guests of the student performers and teachers:
  • Adults: $20
  • Students: $10
  • Children 12 and under are free
    A maximum of 2 tickets at each price point per student performer applies. Additional tickets are available at regular price ($34 adult/$15 student)
    Tickets can be purchased in three ways:
  • In advance online at
  • In advance by calling our box office at 204.632.5299

Or at the door (subject to availability)
All tickets are subject to availability.
Pre-Concert Policy
Family or friends wishing to watch the pre-concert performance cannot enter the Muriel Richardson Auditorium without a ticket. Anyone wishing to watch the pre-concert performance must purchase a ticket. 

Our time-line is;

WJO Season Finalé- Mother's Day May 11th
  • Set up at 12:00 at the WAG
  • We play before the show
  • show starts at 2:00
  • Gone by 4:00
  • Hug your MOM and tell her you love her.



Monday 14 April 2014

Changes in year end Dates

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to move a few dates around as we approach the end of the year.

  • We have moved the sectional cut off and the due date for self assessment #3 to April 21st. 
  • Final Concert Band Concert to May 28th at 7:00PM in the Gym
  • Final Jazz Concert has been moved to May 29th in the theatre at 7:00PM
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Tuesday 8 April 2014



FLOTA:  Monday April 14th

  • Eat@Joe's, Soul Bossa Nova
  • Set-up Sunday April 13th @ 4:00 - 4:15 PM
  • Monday April 14th @ 7:30 AM - Dress rehearsal
  • Be here between 7:30 and 8:00 in the Band Room
  • Done by 9:30ish - no tear down
FAMILY CONCERT: Tuesday April 15th

  • Thriller, Soul Bossa Nova
  • Meet in Carson's Room at 5:30 PM
  • Concert start @ 6:30 PM
  • Concert will be finished by 8:30PM then tear down
  • Should be done by 9:00 PM

    WJO Season Finalé- Mother's Day May 11th
    • Set up at 12:00 at the WAG
    • We play before the show
    • show starts at 2:00
    • Gone by 4:00
    • Hug your MOM and tell her you love her.
    10/11 CONCERT BAND

    FLOTA:  Monday April 14th
    • Groove Music and Pandemonium
    • Set-up Sunday April 13th @ 4:00 - 4:15 PM
    • Monday April 14th @ 12:45 PM - Meet in the Band Room
    • Dress Rehearsal from 1:00 - 1:45 PM
    • Be here between 6:00 PM in the Band Room
    • You play 4th and 8th.
    • We have to be in our spots by 6:50 PM
    • After we finish there is no tear down and you can leave if you wish.  If you would like to watch you can sit in the balcony.
    FAMILY CONCERT: Tuesday April 15th
    • Groove Music Only
    • Meet in the Band Room at 5:30 PM
    • Concert start @ 6:30 PM
    • Concert will be finished by 8:30PM then tear down
    • Should be done by 9:00 PM

      Welcome Back!

        Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...