Monday 28 October 2013

HMCS Chippawa Navy Band

This morning, the Symphonic band was visited by  Leading Seaman Jordan Myers and Leading Seaman Everett Fristensky to discuss the upcoming open house on the 26th of November at 8:00 p.m. at HMCS Chippawa.  

This is an exciting opportunity to join in with our Naval Reserves and get paid to play your instrument.

The Royal Canadian Navy Band of HMCS CHIPPAWA will be hosting an evening of music and presentations on the drill deck at 1 Navy Way. We would be honoured if you could join us for this special evening of opportunity.

To facilitate seating and other arrangements, we would ask that you confirm your attendence prior to this event here on this page. Please note that confirmation is only preferred and not mandatory. Drop-ins are welcome. Also, we have an open door policy throughout our training year. If you or fellow musicians are interested but unable to attend this event, please feel free to contact us and we will gladly arrange for you to come down during a rehearsal to see what it is we do, and sit in with us if you would like.

Please forward this information to fellow musicians that may be interested. We hope that your busy schedules will allow you to join the Royal Canadian Navy Band of HMCS CHIPPAWAfor this special event. Please messsage or email us with any questions you may have.

So, bring your instrument and come by for an exciting night of music and fun.

Information has been posted under "band happenings" in the band room.

To confirm your participation, contact or on our Facebook page

Brad Shigeta in Action

This past Thursday, we were treated to a wonderful session with Mr.Brad Shegeta - Westwood Alumn from '82.  He worked with the Trombone secton for about half and hour and then met with all of the Jazz students for a clinic on his thoughts on Jazz improvisation.

Enjoy the photos of the action:

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Instrument Rental Fee

Many of you have been asking about the fee for your son or daughter's instrument for the year.  In case you were un aware, we are piloting a new on-line payment system for the year and it is now active.  Consequently, payments are now made on line @ -

With regards to the fee, The school division sets an annual rental rate of $120.00 per year.  If the student is renting a second instrument from the school, that instrument's rate is $60.00.  Percussionists pay a fee of $60.00 for the year.  Thus, you will see a payment of Instrument Rental which is $120 and those of you renting a second instrument will see and additional fee of Half Instrument Rental and Percussionists will see a Percussion fee of $60.  

Note:  If your son or daughter is sharing their instrument with another student the both pay the half instrument rental fee.

So, here's what you need to do:

1) If you have not done so, create an account at -
2)  Make the appropriate payment - (jazz people can also pay their first Brandon Jazz instalment, too)
3) Enjoy the wonderful sounds of music in your child's life.

IN ADDITION - the division asks that you fill out an instrument usage agreement.
[click on the underlined words for the form]   Please fill out and sign and I will put in the remainder of the information hopefully saving a step for you.

These fees are now all active, so feel free to get in an explore the site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or the office.

All payments are due no later than December 6th.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Awesome Jazz Masterclass


On Thursday the 24th, we will be hosting world renown trombonist Brad Shigeta for an afternoon of Jazz clinics and improvisation information.  All jazz students will be required to attend this fantastic opportunity.

All jazz trombone players will meet in the band room at 11:30 and spend a few minutes with Brad talking specifically about trombone related issues.  Then at 12:03 all jazz students will come and meet in the band room for session on improv and sectional playing.

Brad is a very accomplished musician and I would ask that everyone bee familiar with his bio which is located on his website -

In addition to all this coolness,  Brad is a Westwood alumni - graduating in '82.

See you there

Mr. E

Friday 18 October 2013

Loads going on in Band

Okay... wow have we been busy.   There is so much going on the students and I do not know whether we are coming or going.  Here's the latest and greatest.


This is the cut-off date for the first report card.  Thus, this is the last day for: sectionals and any re-testing of: auditions, chromatic scales and 90's tests.  As well, Self-Assessment #1 is due no later than the 7th.  All marks can be found on-line and all marking rubrics have been places in the student portfolios.


 - See the post before this about the March 3 day tour to the Brandon Jazz Festival.  Payment #1 of $100 is due on the 8th of November.

Jr Jazz - has completed their auditions (marks in portfolios and on-line) and all parts have been assigned and we have played through all of our repertoire for the year and have decided to start with these three pieces:  Phat Kat, Elvin and the Hip Monks and Swing State.  Recordings of these pieces will appear on our listening site shortly.

Intermediate Jazz - has completed their auditions (marks in portfolios and on-line) and all parts have been assigned and we have played through all of our repertoire for the year and have decided to start with these pieces:  Nice n' easy, Le Grande Funk, Whisper Not and Top Dog.  Recordings of these pieces will appear on our listening site shortly.

Sr. Jazz - after their standing ovation at the trustee's fall supper, the band is back into its groove and working on more repertoire.  They have chosen to work on:  Bleep Blop, Pegasus, Get Happy and The Flintstone's Theme.  Recordings of these pieces will appear on our listening site shortly.

Concert Band:

Gr. 9 Concert Band - the last round of auditions will be held on the 22nd of October.  On the 24th we will dedicate one class to understanding and writing quality self-assessments.  9's will begin their first, and hopefully only, 90's test on the 28th.

1011 Concert Band - has completed their auditions (marks in portfolios and on-line) and all parts and section leaders have been assigned.  These luck dogs were able to get through the first round of the 90's test unscathed. Page 7 #3 was picked by Trinity and there was much rejoicing as this was the easiest number in the cup.  The band got through with just over 91%.  WELL DONE BAND!!!!

The band has now moved from the "Boot Camp/ Dry Land" portion of the year into new repertoire.  The ensemble will begin with:  A Childhood Remembered, Pandemonium and Groove Music.  Recordings of these pieces will appear on our listening site shortly.

Symphonic Band - has completed their auditions (marks in portfolios and on-line) and all parts and section leaders have been assigned.  This band was up for a challenge as Joy took #39 out of the cup and the band dug in to do their best and there was much celebration when the band took a 95.12% on the 90's test.

The band has now moved from the "Boot Camp/ Dry Land" portion of the year into new repertoire.  The ensemble will begin with: Variations on a Korean Folksong and The Iliad.  Recordings of these pieces will appear on our listening site shortly.

For those of you who have read this far.... I give you a treat.  I secretly recorded the Symphonic Band's percussion section during their audition.  Not only did they nail it, I am very pleased that they invited Colton to join them from the Double Basses to lay down a steady groove.

Happy Friday Everyone

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brandon Jazz Festival Meeting Handouts - Oct. 16, 2013

Thank you to everyone who came out to the meeting.  We completely understand if you were unable to attend.  Thus, I have posted all of the handouts from the meeting here and that way you can catch up ASAP.


Parent/ Student Letter - contains the itinerary and the nuts and bolts of the tour

Brandon Jazz Festival Permission Form 2014 - Print - READ - Sign and Return

Brandon Jazz Participation Contract 2014  - Print - READ - Sign and Return

Brandon Jazz Group Rules Contract 2014  - Print - READ - Sign and Return

To learn more about payment online go to -

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Edwards or Ms. Russell at your earliest convenience.

Friday 11 October 2013


Unfortunately we have had to change the date of our Brandon Jazz meeting to Wednesday the 16th at 7:00 p.m in the theatre.  We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Alternate Listening in Site

Every now and then I am unable to get your charts on line as fast as I like or you simply would like to find and listen to an old chart of ours.  When this happens, check out the NEW LINK on the right hand side or click here  - Alternate Band/ Jazz Listening Site.  In the search engine of this new site, type in what you are looking for and it's yours....  well not a unicorns or  leprechauns.....  that said, the only drawback form this page, is that you cannot down-load any of the music, you can only listen to it.

Have fun and, as always, be safe. - Mr. E

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Brandon Jazz Festival 2014

Hey everyone,

We are all really excited to announce that we are going to be taking all three of our Jazz ensembles and both our Vocal jazz groups to the Brandon Jazz Festival this year.  This should be a really exciting tour full of performances, group watching, clinics and all out music making and appreciation.  The dates for this event are March 19 - 21, 2014.  Our tentative itinerary has us leaving at 1:00 on the 19th (Wed.) and returning on the 21st (Fri.) at 9:00 p.m.

To get things off the ground, we will be having a parent and student meeting in the theatre at 7:00 p.m. on the 17th (next Thursday).  This meeting will be under an hour and give you a sample itinerary and a breakdown of the costs.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Greg Edwards - Jazz Band and Alice Russel - Vocal Jazz

Thursday 3 October 2013

Sr. Jazz at Trustee's Fall Supper

Oh what a night!  Congratulations to the Sr. Jazz band on their outstanding performance last night at the Trustee's fall supper.  The bands funktastic performance of Michael Jackson's THRILLER and Benny Goodman's SING, SING, SING brought the audience to their feet in a standing ovation.  Way to go Sr. Jazz.

Here's what people had to say about their performance,

"Dear Greg and the Westwood Jazz Band students,

WOW! You cannot begin to understand the impact you made on the Trustees and Administrators last night. You had us wowed from the moment you walked through the door. Your professionalism was evident. 

From the moment you started playing you had us mezmorized by your sounds. The foot tapping, body language and the smiles of your audience should be testament to the power you held over us. I think your own foot tapping and body language had us hooked!

The soloists were so confident and owned their parts! Loved the way you got into your groove!!!

What is it that makes you head to the bandroom at 7:30 a.m.? That Mr. Edwards, your fearless leader, I'm sure! 

Please know that your music making affects many people as we can feel your energy, see energy and finally hear your energy coming from your instrument. You each have a special talent that you've worked hard to perfect! Well done!

Thank you sincerely for last's night's performance (on such short notice I might add). You added life and excitement to the evening through your music!"

Jackie Gagné
Coordinator of the Arts

"...Just wanted to congratulate the Jazz band and Mr. Edwards for an unbelievable performance on Wednesday night at the Greenwood Inn. If you have not had the opportunity to see this group you are missing out. When I spoke to people that saw them play.... it was always the same response, "Wow!" My personal favourite was the Cordoviz solo. Awesome job....."

JJ Ross

Phys. Ed. Coordinator

"...Thanks once again for the wonderful entertainment you and the students provided for our Wednesday night dinner. The music was fantastic and the spirit the students brought to the event was great. We appreciate all you did to make the evening special."

Pat Elsworth, Information Officer
St. James-Assiniboia School Division
204-888-7951, ext. 2013

Enjoy the photos courtesy of Mr. Cordoviz

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Junior/ Intermediate Audition Schedule

Just as we have done with Concert Band, we have created an order for you auditions.  Please open the link below and make sure you are prepared for your time.  Any questions?  Contact Mr. E immediately.

As well, just like concert band, if you are away the date of your audition date, you must make up your audition on your own time.

Junior/ Intermediate Jazz Audition Order

Gr. 9 Concert Band Auditions

In moving forward, I have chosen the dates for the Gr. 9 Concert Band auditions.

Gr.9's will audition on the: 9, 11, 16, 18, 22nd of October in the groups as indicated on the audition schedule.

The audition number will be page 9 #23 at a tempo of quarter note equals 72.

Pleas see the previous post for all the details.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...