Thursday 5 September 2024

Welcome Back!


Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who are new, welcome to one of the most award winning programs in the province. You are all apart of an amazing tradition of excellence and I truly look forward to making music with each and every one of you.

Just a reminder that we communicate almost exclusively with Instagram. There you will find all the happenings going on in our program.  For those of you without access to instagram at this time, you are able to see all the posts across the banner of our blog site above.   Follow us on Instagram: @bandatwestwood

This site is the place where you will go for all of the other information about our programming and where you will find things like: FAQ's, Section leader responsibilities, Course Outlines, Uniform requirements, recordings of our music and assignments.

As well, all playing assignments are done through youTube.  All students are to create an UNLISTED youTube channel for your own privacy.  You will upload your playing assignments to you channel and then email me the link.

That's all for now.  Any questions, feel free to reach out via email:

Monday 29 January 2024

Playing a musical instrument good for brain health


The study found playing keyboard instruments was particularly beneficial for brain health

Playing a musical instrument or singing could help keep the brain healthy in older age, UK researchers suggest.  Practising and reading music may help sustain good memory and the ability to solve complex tasks, their study says.

In their report, published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, they say music should be considered as part of a lifestyle approach to maintain the brain. More than 1,100 people aged over 40, with a mean age of 68, were studied.Scientists at the University of Exeter observed their brain function data as part of a wider study that has been finding out how brains age, and why people develop dementia.
They looked at the effects of playing an instrument, singing, reading and listening to music, and musical ability.The researchers compared the cognitive data of those in the study who engaged in music in some way in their lives, with those who never had.Their results showed that people who played musical instruments benefitted the most, which may be because of the "multiple cognitive demands" of the activity. 

Playing the piano or keyboard appeared to be particularly beneficial, while brass and woodwind instruments were good too

Simply listening to music did not appear to help cognitive health.

The benefit seen with singing might be partly because of the known social aspects of being in a choir or group, the researchers say. "Because we have such sensitive brain tests for this study, we are able to look at individual aspects of the brain function, such as short-term memory, long-term memory, and problem-solving and how engaging music effects that," lead author Prof Anne Corbett told the BBC.  "Certainly this confirms and cements on a much larger scale what we already know about the benefits of music.
"Specifically, playing an instrument has a particularly big effect, and people who continue to play into an older age saw an additional benefit," she said.

In the study, people who read music regularly had better numerical memory.

Prof Corbett said: "Our brain is a muscle like anything else and it needs to be exercised, and learning to read music is a bit like learning a new language, it's challenging." Researchers did not test potential benefits of taking up a musical hobby for the first time later in life, but Prof Corbett said she believed, based on current evidence, it would be "very beneficial". Prof Corbett said that, although more research was needed, promoting musical education could form a "valuable" part of a public health message, as would encouraging older adults to return to music in later life. "The message is around how people can proactively reduce their risk of cognitive decline or dementia, and really thinking about engaging with music as a way of doing that. This study does suggest that it could be part of a much wider lifestyle approach to improving brain health as you age." "We regularly play at memory cafes so have seen the effect that our music has on people with memory loss and, as older musicians ourselves, we have no doubt that continuing with music into older age has played an important role in keeping our brains healthy."

You can see the article on BBC's web site - HERE

Monday 8 January 2024

Band gives you the TOP skills

 Keep your kids in band if you want them prepared for the future according to a study done by the Indeed Hiring Lab.

"Interpersonal soft skills are going to be even more important in the age of AI, according to Sadek. These include creativity, adaptability, critical thinking, problem solving, time management, emotional intelligence and communication.

All of these skills are developed through the arts and specifically - Band. 

Read the full article here - 

Looking for a job or career change? These skills will be in high demand in Canada in 2024

Monday 6 November 2023

WCAAG is Looking for Volunteers

 Westwood Collegiate Arts Advisory Group.  

The parent group WCAAG supports the arts programs and staff at Westwood Collegiate. Westwood parents who are interested in the arts, or have children enrolled in an arts program(s) meet once a month to plan for the annual “For the Love of the Arts” arts evening, as well as lend support to staff for events such as the musical when selling tickets and running a canteen.

For the Love of the Arts (FLOTA) is an evening that celebrates the arts programs and students. This school year FLOTA will be held on Monday April 8, 2024. Set up for the event will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2024 and it takes the efforts of parents and students to set up the gym for the big event. The night of the event, parents are needed in many capacities from taking tickets to preparing refreshments. Planning begins at the monthly meetings with email sign ups shared prior to the setup and event. The funds from the evening are used by the arts department at Westwood to buy items such as costumes, upgrade equipment, or purchase instruments.

What are the arts programs at Westwood? The arts department is made up of band, choral, dance, drama, graphic tech, musical theatre, photography, and visual art.

Your help is instrumental in making the various arts events throughout the school year successful and well attended. We would love to see you at the monthly meetings, or volunteering to help with FLOTA or other arts events would be greatly appreciated!

For more information you can contact Mr. Brian Toms at

If interested, please scan this QR code and fill out the database form!

We’ll be in touch shortly!


Wednesday 6 September 2023

Jazz Band

Jazz Band begins the week of the 11th.  Monday - Sr. Jazz at 7:20 AM. Tuesday - L.T.J.O.  7:20 AM and B.I.G. Band at 12:03PM.  No Instrument Need for the first class, but you can bring yours if you like and put it on the shelves.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

What to do about Cell Phones at Concerts


Conductor Nezet-Seguin schools audience in concert etiquette after cell phone interruptions.

"Can we live without the damn phone for just one hour?"

It's a phrase not soon to be forgotten by fans of The Philadelphia Orchestra, where conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin lectured his audience after their ringing cellphones interrupted the show -- multiple times.

During a May 7 concert, after a ringtone pierced through the air midway through Bruckner's Symphony No. 9 -- for the second time -- Nézet-Séguin decided he'd had enough.

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Montreal-born conductor stopped the orchestra, turned to the crowd and firmly, but civilly, gave them the business.

The phrase "Can we live without the damn phone for just one hour" appeared to resonate with audiences beyond Philly's Verizon Hall, making the rounds on social media.

See the full article here - concert etiquette after cell phone interruptions

Monday 24 April 2023

End of the Year Information

As we inch closer to the end of the band year, I thought it prudent to post some dates for parents and students:

MAY 1st - SR. JAZZ '24 Audition Music comes out.  This audition is open to all band students. Auditions begin in June. There will be a sign up sheet in the band room for an audition time. See dates below.

MAY 26th - Sectional cut off.  Each student must complete a minimum of 2 for each band they are in by this date and record them in the sectional book. - ALL STUDENTS

MAY 28th - (SUNDAY) mass rehearsal for super secret surprise wink wink  ;) 2 - 5pm.  ALL STUDENTS.

MAY 29th - Concert Set up at 3:30PM - 4:00PM - ALL STUDENTS

MAY 30th - Final Band Concert and Awards Presentation - 6:30PM in the Gym - ALL STUDENTS

MAY 31st - Final Jazz Band Concert and Awards Presentation - 6:30PM in the theatre - ALL JAZZ BAND STUDENTS

JUNE 1st - Final Choir Concert in the theatre - ALL CHOIR STUDENTS

JUNE 5th - Final Written Reflection Due - ALL STUDENTS

JUNE 5th - 16th - SR. JAZZ Auditions.

JUNE 12th - all music and instruments must be handed in by this date with the exception of those students still completing their Sr. Jazz audition or are invited to join GRAD BAND.

JUNE 28th - GRAD BAND at the Concert Hall at 7:00AM for their performance at GRAD.

Welcome Back!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome back to Band at Westwood Collegiate.  For those of you who are familiar with our program or for those of you who ar...